OCC Forums

New Passport Checks On People Leaving UK


By DariaBlackwell - 9 Apr 2015

The UK has started checking the credentials of anyone leaving the UK. There are no specifics for pleasure craft yet. Please post information you find here. Thank you!

Story here: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/passports-checked-uk-exit-025043682.html#z5TmsEe

Fact sheet here. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/exit-checks-on-passengers-leaving-the-uk/exit-checks-fact-sheet
By rkynaston - 10 Apr 2015

It looks like we don 't need to worry too much yet. I got this reply from the RYA when asked.

Dear Mr Kynaston

Thank you for your enquiry.

At present there are no exit checks for recreational craft. There is no mechanism for putting such checks in place and the are no plans to put such checks in place this summer.

Details of the reporting arrangements for arrivals and departures from the UK vary depending on whether your first / last port of call is EU or Non EU. It is explained in detail at http://www.rya.org.uk/infoadvice/boatingabroad/Pages/customsformalities.aspx and for members further information is at http://www.rya.org.uk/infoadvice/boatingabroad/Pages/FormC1331.aspx

Kind regards


Carol Paddison
Cruising Advisor
Royal Yachting Association