By DariaBlackwell - 31 May 2015
This is an excellent analysis of three separate boating accidents by Evans Starzinger. Offers suggestions on future avoidance and mitigation of risks.
It is a pdf download of a PowerPoint document.
By jgbailey - 11 Jul 2015
Cant get the download to work?
By DariaBlackwell - 11 Jul 2015
Sorry about that. Don 't know why it didn 't work but I 've put in the full link, so it should be okay now.
By Dick - 6 Sep 2015
Hi Daria, I am familiar with the 3 incidents and enjoyed all the wonderful graphics, but what I found seemed to be more the graphics for a good lecture. Am I missing something? Dick Stevenson, s/v Alchemy
By DariaBlackwell - 6 Sep 2015
It is a PowerPoint presentation created by Evans Starzinger who consults US Sailing, CCA and others about safety at sea issues. The salient points are all in the document. Feel free to add your comments and analysis here, as I am sure your insights would be most valuable.
By Dick - 6 Sep 2015
Hi Daria, I very much suspect (hope even) that Evans meant this to be an illustration (overhead projector like) for a lecture talk on safety issues. If that is correct, then attempts can be made to procure the text and include it with the power point presentation that you gave us the url for. If not, I would wish this presentation to be considered to be removed from the OCC site. Not only did I find the bullet type presentation of points and graphs and weather data confusing, but I have a problem with safety at sea matters being presented in such a context free manner. On boats, safety considerations and procedures should (to my mind) always be embedded in an overall rational that includes many variables. When presented so nakedly, it evolves into prescription/rules which undermines the development of overall seamanship. My best, Dick Stevenson, s/v Alchemy