By George.Curtis2 - 18 Mar 2016
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Beth amd Evans s/v Hawk
Crosshaven – 51°49.00'N, 08°15.00'W Galway Bay – 53°10.00'N, 09°20.00'W Howth – 53°23.40'N, 06°04.00'W Inishbofin – 53°36.40'N, 10°13.00'W Carrickfergus – 54°43.00'N, 05°47.00'W Tory Island – 55°16.93'N, 08°14.65'W
Crosshaven – 51°49.00'N, 08°15.00'W
Crosshaven, C.Cork, Eire B015-2
1) Information Submitted by Donal McClement. Minor updates by Norman Kean
2) Date 17th Aug 2003, updated to 5th June 2010
3) Harbour or Area Covered Include Lat & Long Crosshaven, Co. Cork, Ireland. Roches Point 51°46’N 08°15’W
4) Suitability and Attraction for Yachts Cork Harbour is accessible at all stages of tide and in all weather conditions. Crosshaven is on the port hand, ½ mile from the entrance and is the most suitable place for yachts. The minimum depth for Crosshaven is 3 metres. The tidal range is 10 -16ft. The channel to Crosshaven is well buoyed.
5) Marinas, Berthing or Anchorage 3 good marinas at Crosshaven. The Royal Cork Yacht Club ( has a 200 berth marina and there is a similar one at Crosshaven Boatyard ( for 100. Salve Marina, which has about 60 berths, is situated between the other two. There is also a good marina at East Ferry (East Passage) in the NE corner of Cork Harbour. There is a visitors pontoon near the town pier that can take up to 10 boats. The Town Pier is for fishing boats only except in emergency.
6) Entry Ports Crosshaven
7) Formal Requirements for Yachts Entering/Departing:
a) from/to same country All EU yachts can move freely in/out of Ireland without the need to contact Customs.
b) from/to abroad Non EU yachts or yachts coming from a non EU country should fly ‘Q’ and contact Customs, Tel. Cork (O21) 311024 or 311044 and contact the local Garda (Police) station Cork (021) 4831222. They will contact Customs if necessary.
c) visa requirements
8) Location/Existence of:
a) harbour master Harbour Master is for the Port of Cork and is not interested in small craft.
b) customs/immigration Customs will visit if required.
c) health authorities Customs will advise if needed
d) police Garda in Crosshaven (not 24 hours (021) 4831222 9) Control of Foreign Yachts The Customs are quite flexible for foreign visitors and there is normally no difficulty in getting permission to stay for up to 12 months (or longer if required)
10) Attitude of Officials to Visiting Yachtsmen All yachtsmen made very welcome
11) Repair/Hauling Facilities Crosshaven Boat Yard, Tel. (021) 4831161. Fax (021) 4831603. 40 ton Travel lift. Two other small yards - Castlepoint, specialising in wooden craft, and Salve Engineering. Electronics repairs and sailmakers through the yards.
12) Sailing Directions or Charts Admiralty & Imray Charts
13) Cruising Guide and where Obtainable. Include Phone and/or E-Mail The Irish Cruising Club’s ‘South & West Coast of Ireland Sailing Directions’ are excellent. The current Reed’s Nautical Almanac is also very good. The ICC Directions (a must for anyone Cruising in Ireland) are available from Imrays and bookshops and chandlers. See for more details.
14) Port Radio Services Cork Harbour Radio Ch 16, 12 & 14. All marinas maintain a listening watch on Ch M during working hours.
15) Weather Forecasts Radio, TY & Fax. Cork Radio (remote from Valentia) VHF Ch 26 giving Weather every 3 hours from 0103 local time (UT winter & BST summer). RTE Radio 1 on 567 Khz give a synopsis & Coastal Forecast at 0602, 1253, 1657 & 2355. (This is the same forecast as given on the Coast Radio Stations)
16) Yacht Club(S) Royal Cork Yacht Club at Crosshaven (021) 831033, Fax (021) 831586.
17) Other Facilities: drinking water In marinas fuel Diesel at Crosshaven Boatyard and Salve Marina gas (propane)/gaz Yes in village chandlers Small chandlery in Crosshaven Boatyard but there two good chandlers in Cork. bank ATM in supermarket in village. Bureau de Change in Cronins Pub in village, nearest bank in Carrigaline (4 miles). shops/market Small supermarket in village, bigger ones in Carrigaline and Cork (Delivery service available from all) Pharmacy also available near supermarket. restaurants/hotels Numerous high quality restaurants within 10/12 miles post office/telephones including mobile facilities Yes internet cafes No best mailing address Co Royal Cork Yacht Club or Post Office, Crosshaven showers Yes laundry launderette transport/air services Airport 15 KM. Ferry Port 10 KM, Rail 20 KM medical facilities/hospital Local Doctor (021) 4831315 or Cork University Hospital (021) 4546400
18) Recommendations or Warnings Cork harbour is easy to enter at all states of the tide and any weather. Crosshaven is the main area for yachts with 3 marinas at all stages of the tide and in any weather.
19) Other Information – please include here general impressions, opinions, comments or any other matter which might be of use to those visiting. Crosshaven is the home of the Royal Cork Yacht Club, which dates from 1720 and is the world’s oldest yacht Club. The cruising ground to the south-west is second to none. The hospitality is superb and there are numerous small ports and anchorages. Costs for winter berths & storage are about 50% of those in UK. Non EU citizens will find the formalities very simple and every effort is made to make visitors feel at home.
Galway Bay – 53°10.00'N, 09°20.00'W Pilotage Notes – Galway Bay with additional information on Rinville (compiled by John Preisler, 2002.) (updated 2013)
(use at your own risk) Admiralty chart 1984 is required.
Entry into Galway Bay is straightforward for boats travelling from the north or the south.
Charts:Imray C54 or C55 are adequate.
Admiralty chart 3339 covers approaches to Galway Bay
Admiralty chart 1984 covers the inner bay.
Black Head, Fl. WR.5s, 20m 11/8M
Margaretta buoy, Fl.G.
Eeragh Lighthouse, Fl.15s. 35m, 23M
When coming from the south, the easiest entry is through the South Sound which passes between the mainland, Co. Clare, and Inisheer. Black Head is steep to with no off-lying dangers. Course from Black Head for the Margaretta green cone buoy (lies in the roadstead close to Galway Docks) is 055 true, and for the matching Black Rock red can buoy is 052 true. Note that the ground is foul to the north of Black Rock buoy.
When coming from the north, the most likely entry is through the North Sound which passes between Inishmore/Eeragh Rock and the mainland, Co. Galway. This sound is clear for the main part but can have quite a tide running through. If you are coming down the Inner Passage (i.e. inside the long string of rocks which run from Slyne Head to Golam Head) a chart is essential - Admiralty charts 2708 (Slyne Head), 2709 (Roundstone and approaches) and 2096 (Cashla Bay to Kilkieran Bay). Golam Head is easily identified as there is an old watch-tower on it which is quite distinctive. There are 2-3 windows in the top and daylight can be seen through them. If hugging the north shore east of Golam Head, beware of a rock lying 2 cables SE of the head. There are two other rocks to be avoided near Golam Head. One is Dawsey’s Rock, lying approx. 1.2 miles east of Golam, and the other is English Rock, lying 4 miles east of Golam. To avoid these three rocks, steer 110 true from Golam until past Kiggaul Bay (which is the first large bay approx. 2 miles east of Golam). Thereafter, a course of 090 true will avoid the wave test area south of Spiddle and bring you half a mile SW of the Margaretta buoy, with no obstacles in between.
1. Rinville
Once at the Margaretta buoy, there are a couple of dangers to be aware of on the approach to Rinville. The first is Cockle Rock and Brendan’s Reef, lying approx. 1.5 miles east-north-east of the Margaretta buoy. There is a north cardinal marking Cockle Rock. This cardinal is lit with a small light (continuous quick flashing) which becomes visible within 1 mile of the mark. Course from Margaretta to Cockle cardinal mark is 075 true. Once Cockle is passed, it is a straight run into Rinville. The entrance is marked by port and starboard hand perches. Favour the mid channel or slightly north of this line.
There are some dangers to be aware of on the way into Rinville:
When returning from e.g. Aran at night, head for Tawin buoy and then Mutton buoy and head in towards Rinville from there. This will avoid Cockle Rock, marked N cardinal, light visible approx 1 mile.
It is possible to sail into the little bay NE of the Watchtower. However, make sure to avoid Clochnacohery. This is a reef with two pinnacle rocks. These lie in a NW direction from a very large obvious white rock on the south shore.
There is a foul area extending east of Cockle Rock for approx 1.5 miles and below a line running east-west through Cockle Rock buoy.
Another obstacle is Black Rock, lying on the south shore. In most states of tide, the location of Black Rock is easily noted as it shows. Black Rock is steep-to. At HW Springs, it can be completely covered. The rock lies in a line just west of the walled garden of Ardfry House on the south shore. (Ardfry House is a ruined mansion and is visible as is the wall.) (Year 2013)There is now a lit green perch on the northern edge of Blackrock. There is a corresponding lit red perch to the south of a shoal area off the north shore near Blackrock. Steer a course between these two marks to keep in the channel.
Rinville Spit, on the northern shore, is shoal for 2-3 cables west of the drying part. There is generally a yellow club mark to the west of Rinville Spit. East of this the ground is shoal.
Once past Ardfry House, the bay narrows and there is a bar across New Harbour (Rinville Bay). It lies in a line the headland just west of the club and Ardfry. At low water both sides of the bar are shoal, especially the south shore which also has rocks. At this point there is a bar and the favoured passage over it is to be placed on a line one third from the north shore and two thirds from the south shore. At this stage you should be off the Galway Bay Sailing Club. This inner bay is quite deep in the most part, with approx 5-8 feet at LW springs.
PLEASE NOTE:- For those who intend to go alongside the pier in Rinville, please note that considerable work has been carried out to extend the southwest finger of the pier: there is now a sizeable slip off the SW end of the pier. It runs in a southerly direction for approximately 40 metres and has a sloping wall and breakwater on its western side. Following the slope of the wall will give a good indication of the location/depth of the underwater section of the wall. A wide berth should be given. There is a Day mark on the very end of the wall in the form of a single staff. Depth at HW is a minimum 2.2 m at neaps. With the new sloping slip/breakwater, access to the pier and slip for yachts is good from half tide up. Fresh water is available on the pier.
2.Barna Pier
Approach the eastern end of the pier in a northerly direction to avoid the off-lying Carraiganoge Rock on your stb.
It is possible to anchor off the pier for a short time.
The pier is clean on the bottom but is a high climb when the boat dries out.
3.Galway Docks
Water between Mutton I. and Galway Docks is very shallow so don’t go there.
Keep on the line – Leverets lighthouse (black/white striped tower) – New Pier to avoid this shallow ground.
There is a Port Entry Light to guide into the docks from Leverets Lighthouse
4.Oranmore Bay
Possible to sail right up to Oranmore pier and castle, but only in the right conditions: wind in the easterly half, and a big tide.
Easy sail to half-way in. Favour the south side until past Saleen. This will avoid the pinnacle rock in mid channel.
South shore (North shore of Rinville) is steep-to and it is possible to tack in quite close.
If attempting to go alongside the castle pier, approach it by turning in a clockwise circle to avoid a low extension of the pier (not visible at high tide).
Difficult to get into Saleen as there is a sand bar at its mouth. Need a big tide and relatively shallow draft. Reverse in because there is not enough room to turn.
6.Mweeloon Bay
There is a bar across the entrance to Mweeloon bay. It is higher in the middle so entry to the bay must be done at either side. Favour the northern side and stay close to the shore. (Watch for Ardfry Point which runs out a little bit in a west direction from the land.)
It is possible to sail quite close to Ardfry House.
7.Kilcolgan Point.
There are rocks off this Point. Keep 0.5 miles off the headland to avoid the rocky headland.
Don’t cut into the south shore of the point until it is north of your position – there is a pinnacle rock approx. ½ mile SW of the point.
In rough conditions, it is advisable to give the Point a wide berth, i.e. 1 mile off, to avoid the isolated Kilcolgan Rock which is approx. 2/3 mile off the Point. The chart shows a depth over the rock of 3m but the seas might alter this height in the troughs.
9.Rincarna Bay.
It is possible to tack quite close to Eddy I. and Mweenish I.
Take care to avoid the drying Meelan Rock, SE of Mweenish Point.
If entering the Ship Pool near HW, give Mweenish Pt a wide berth as there is a shingle spit running NW from the point.
Further in, watch for Yellow Slate Rock (off N shore) and the large reef to the south. Bird I. (small island) marks the eastern end of the reef, and a line North/South of Bird I means that both Yellow Rock and the reef are past.
Possible to sail up the Clarinbridge River to a large pier ½ mile from Clarinbridge. Use a large tide.
There is a bar across the entrance to the Kilcolgan River. To find the deepest part, stay close to the south shore.
Going up the river, stay mid-channel.
Possible to get alongside the quay at Weir village with 1.8m draft at HW when HW is over 4.3m.
There are two rocks to watch for on the way into Kinvara Bay, they are Cragnach and Goragh rocks north of Doorus Pt.
To avoid Goragh rock, keep well off Doorus Pt until you can see Parkmore pier inside Doorus.
Then head towards Parkmore pier or the moorings off the pier. Keep away from the eastern shore (Belacoon Pt) as the ground is shoal.
Next hazard is Long Rock which is on stb on the way in. (Bears 135deg true from Parkmore Pier.) Keep a cream house which is visible down at Kinvara (on the Gort road) open to the left with the top of Dunguire castle. The top of the castle can be hard to spot!
Go between the mussel rafts.
Avoid Gormeen rock with the perch and then stay mid channel until close to the quay.
Keep 50-100 yds off the end of the pier until the whole of the inside of the quay is visible. This is to avoid some shallow rocks of the north and end of the pier.
It is possible to anchor off. At LW springs, it is difficult to come ashore in a punt as the bay dries to mud around its edges and is very messy. This is not a problem at neaps.
It is possible to sail inside Deer Island spit near HW – but keep 1/3 of the channel 's width from the shore and no closer to to Deer I.
When heading for New Quay, beware of two rocks well off the north shore. They lie SW of a church ruin on Aughinish. Favour the south shore as it is fairly steep-to.
There is a very strong current in the narrows at New Quay. Bear this in mind as, in trying to keep the boat slow on the flood, you will lose steerage way.
If wishing to go alongside at New Quay, then go in past the quay and then turn to stb to bring the boat back alongside. This will bring the boat out of the main flow. Good flat sandy bottom.
In coming off the quay, maintain the stern warp until the bow has swung outside the pier.
There is a pool approx. 1 mile into Aughinish Bay. It is difficult to get in to the pool as there is only a narrow channel with shoal ground (oyster beds) each side.
I believe that it is possible to sail all the way up the bay to near Weir Island.
12.Bell Harbour.
For boats of draft 1.8m, Bell Harbour is only accessible ½ hour either side of HW, AND only when HW is over 5.3m.
On a slope running away from the entrance to Bell Harbour there are three stone walls running from shore to brow of the hill. Near the middle one, there is a new bungalow. Approach the entrance to Bell harbour along the line of the middle wall.
Keep running in until the depth starts to shoal and then turn to port to continue up the entrance to the harbour. If the turn to port is too soon, the likelihood is that the boat will go aground on the reef at the southerly end of Scanlan’s Island.
After that, work your way in using the chart and the depth sounder until in the narrows between Finavarra and Muckinish .
Then head towards the pier which becomes visible to port – to avoid the oyster bed. From there run towards the second quay. Turn just before reaching the second pier and head down mid channel.
After the Pouldoody cliffs on port, run in towards the quay and turn to port to leave the quay astern. Follow the depths in towards the quay at the top of Bell harbour.
Note that the quay will be difficult to see as it will either be only a few cm above the water, or will be just submerged.
Head to the Margaretta Buoy to give a safe line to Finavarra Point.
Finavarra Point should not be cut too fine. Aim to keep 1-2 cables off.
Between 2 hours either side of HW it should be possible to steer for a point between the new pier and the old pier.
Beware of Gall island, the eastern side of which shows near HW. This is a reef which projects quite far out into the channel normally taken when heading for either piers. If only the end of the new pier, or the eastern side of the new pier is visible then bear to stb to avoid this reef. Do not confuse Gall I. with Green I. which is just to the north of it.
It is possible to get as far as the pool off the old pier at ½ tide by carefully navigating to find the deep channel to the east of the sands which extend north from the new pier. The trick is to get far enough to the east to avoid the finger of sand and then go looking for the channel.
It is possible to anchor off the old pier but beware of large lobster traps floating just below the surface – they will be buoyed. It is not really feasible to tie up to the old pier.
Galway Bay - The outer bay
14. Sruthan/Cashla bay (Admiralty chart 2096)
Sruthan at the head of Cashla bay is a good anchorage. Access at all states and in all conditions is pretty straightforward as the channels are well marked. Both Cannon Rock and Coddu Rock at the mouth of the bay are visible.
If approaching from the west, keep well off Killeen Pt on the west shore as a reef runs out quite a bit from there, i.e. Narien Spit.
Do not turn port into Sruthan until past the last red buoy as there is an underwater reef there, and the buoy marks the end of it.
15. Greatman’s Bay. (Admiralty chart 2096)
It is possible to navigate up to the anchorage off Maumeen Quay without any major difficulty, providing a chart is used.
Bear in mind that there can be up to 2 knots of tide running through the bay.
The first danger spot to watch out for are Rin rock which extends to almost mid channel from Rin Point on the east shore. At the same time don’t go too close to the western shore here either is it is also foul.
The second spot to watch is Chapel Rocks, approx. 0.7 mile further up. They lie in mid channel so head close towards either shore.
The third spot to watch is Eragh Spit which extends up to 0.4miles SW (at HW) from Eragh Island on the eastern side of the bay.
It is possible to navigate all the way up to Bealadangan Bridge, but great care must be taken.
16. To Roundstone from Galway (Admiralty chart 2096 and 2709)
In a SW wind take a long tack towards Black Head. Otherwise you will find you will be making many small tacks to keep off the north shore.
Obstructions before Golam Head are English Rock approx. ½ mile offshore between Greatman’s Bay and Kiggaul Bay, and Dawsey’s Rock between Kiggaul Bay and Golam Head. It is worth giving almost a mile clearance off the shore at these points.
Golam Head is readily identifiable by the old watch tower on its highest point. The tower has two windows in it through which you will be able to see light from quite a distance.
If heading for Roundstone, the Inner passage can be used, at considerable saving in time. However, a chart is essential. The charts which cover this area are 2096 (Golam/Greatman’s Bay) and 2079 (Roundstone and approaches).
Saint Macdara 's I. is the island visible furthest South, and is conical in shape. The safest passage is to leave Macdara 's I. to stb, and Deer Island (beyond Macdara 's) to port.
If the weather is reasonable, it is possible to pass through Macdara Sound.
Beware of Carrickaview rock, S of Mason Island. This is not easily visible from the SE but breaks. As the rock comes alongside it will become visible. Run another ½ mile before turning in towards Macdara sound.
Enter the Sound from due S to avoid the rocky shore around Macdara 's I. to the west and to avoid Fraghan rock off the rocky Wherroon Islands to the east.
When the little beach in the cove of Macdara 's I. is well open then head towards the northeastern tip of Macdara 's I to avoid the rest of the rocks around Wherroon.
When at the north tip of Macdara 's I., steer to avoid Lebros Rock which lies approx. 0.7 miles north of the NE tip of Macdara 's I., i.e. either tack out, or tack in towards Mace Head (identifiable by the radio tower on it).
It is possible to go through the Straddle Pass (between Mason I. and Mweenish I.) but this requires very careful navigation.
Head on up to Roundstone.
Note that there is a bar east-west across the mouth of Roundstone bay and lies just south of Roundstone church spire. At low water springs there may be only 1.2-1.5 m of water here. Tend towards the eastern shore for maximum depth across the bar.
Howth – 53°23.40'N, 06°04.00'W
1) Information Submitted by John Gore-Grimes, OCC Port Officer - Arctic Fern
2) Date 1998
3) Harbour or Area Covered Include Lat & Long Howth, Ireland. 53° 24 'N, 06° 04 ' W
4) Suitability and Attraction for Yachts A very useful safe port when cruising the east coast. of Ireland. Well protected 200 berth Howth Yacht Club marina.
5) Marinas, Berthing or Anchorage Entrance accessible day or night. Beware new construction on the end of the East pier, not shown on old charts, and reef on port side of entrance. The harbour entrance is lit but it should be noted that fishing vessels are constrained by their draught in Howth Sound and the harbour entrance. Fishing vessels have right of way over other vessels. The marina entrance is clearly marked with green and red markers, these posts are right on the shoulder of the mud so do not go too close. Yachts must not go to starboard into the trawler dock but may moor to port along the East Pier wall. Visitors to the marina should be in touch by phone 839 2777 or by VHF Ch M (37) or Ch 80 and may be sent all the way round in a narrow channel, leaving alt berths to starboard, and red posts to port, before taking up a berth on the east side. Depth at LWS 2.4 metres. Boats must not discharge toilets in to the marina, club house facilities are open 24hrs.
6) Entry Ports Customs win come to most ports to clear yacht in from abroad.
7) Formal Requirements for Yachts Entering/Departing:
a) from/to same country None
b) from/to abroad Yachts arriving from countries outside the EC are required to notify the Customs office. Tel 874 6571.
c) visa requirements
8) Location/Existence of:
a) harbour master Marina manager 's office at head of gangway
b) customs/immigration Dublin, phone from Club
d) police Just across the road from Club
10) Attitude of Officials to Visiting Yachtsmen Friendly
11) Repair/Hauling Facilities Lifting services can be arranged through the marina office. Welding - Jim Larkin near Trawler dock. 7 ton Crane can be organised by HYC boatman (min. 4 hours, which is expensive if not shared). Sailmakers Tel 832 6466 - Watson & Jameson, Mechanics 841 1496 - J. Kennedy, " 8491462-|M. Redden. Towing Services 841 1496. GRP Repair 088 277 0291 or 627 0788 - M.G, Marine. Electronics 088547700 - Tony Brown, 088 578934/849 2290
12) Sailing Directions or Charts BA 1415..
13) Cruising Guide and where Obtainable. Include Phone and/or E-Mail Irish Cruising Club 's ' North & East Coasts Sailing Directions 14) Port Radio Services
15) Weather Forecasts Dublin Radio, VHF Ch 83 at 0100, 0400, 0700, 1000, 1300,1600,1900 & 2200/ Forecasts displayed outside H.Y.C Marina office, or ring 424655 for Dublin Met office. RTE Radio 1 on 567 KHz , 529m 727 kHz/412m FM 88.90 mHz. at 0633, 0755, 1253, 1823 & 2355. On Sundays an extra one at 0855. (This is the same forecast as given on the Coast Radio Stations)
16) Yacht Club(S) Howth Yacht Club controls access to the marina and listens out on VHP Ch 16 & 37. (M) or Ch 80 Dining room facilities are available throughout the year. There are sailing suppers bar snacks on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. HYC marina Diesel at the crane pontoon 24 hrs a day.
17) Other Facilities: drinking water HYC Marina fuel Petrol and other fuels available from locally nearby garages. gas (propane)/gaz Over the road from club at Mike Hunt. chandlers Three in Dublin City (½ hr by 'Dart train), dinghy supplies on coast road out of city.. bank Howth? shops/market Howth village nearby, or supermarket at Sutton Cross (10 min bus ride) Fresh fish is landed at the harbour every day and fish may be purchased from one of the many retail outlets on the West Pier. restaurants/hotels Many excellent ones right in Howth On the road up from the harbour to Howth village (near the Abbey Tavern). post office/telephones including mobile facilities Pay phones at marina office and on 1st floor of club house, these only accept Irish coins internet cafes best mailing address Howth Yacht Club showers Howth Yacht Club laundry 24 hours a day Howth Yacht Club, machines need tokens from marina office transport/air services 'D.A.R.T. ' train runs around the bay from Dun Laoghaire and connects (nearly) with the bus from Dublin International Airport. Aer Lingus 705 3333, British Midland 283 8833, Ryan Flight 1550 200200, City Jet 844 5566/ Car Ferries Stenna Line 204 7777, Irish ferries 661 0511. Irish Rail 836 6222. Car hire 677 2723 - Kennings. Taxi 832 2836 - Declan McConkey. medical facilities/hospital
18) Recommendations or Warnings Metered 220 volt electricity is available on all berths. Only 110 volt power tools should be used, leads and transformers are available at the marina office. There is a drying out pad at the southern end of the marina. Ask the marina staff if you wish to use this facility or need the services of a local diver.
19) Other Information – please include here general impressions, opinions, comments or any other matter which might be of use to those visiting. On arrival visitors should register with the marina office at the top of the marina bridge. Accounts must be paid in full before departure and Access and Visa are accepted. Access to the club house or marina is gained by using the intercom system located at the main entrance and the marina gate. Security keys are available for visitors at the marina office for a deposit of £5.00. Howth Yacht Club requests that children should were suitable life jackets on the marina and when on board. Please make sure that your boat is correctly moored and locked up when you are not on board. Please do not tie warps or leave gear that will interfere with pedestrian traffic on the marina. Boats must not discharge toilets in to the harbour or the marina. Club house facilities are available 24 hours a day. Rubbish bins are provided at the top of the marina bridge. Separate bins are provided for cans, glass and plastic and there is a waste oil tank situated in the service yard at the rere of the club. Toilets and shower facilities are available 24 hours a day for visiting boats. Laundry is available 24 hours a day. The machines are token operated and tokens must be purchased from the marina office. Trolleys are provided for use of berth holders.
Fibre glass trolleys are for clean use only and steel trolleys for oil, diesel, batteries etc. There is a public golf club at Deerpark which is in walking distance of the marina. Golf clubs may be hired and there are Pitch and Putt and 9 hold and 18 hole golf course. There are two main beaches in Howth, the Claremont and the Burrow Beach. In the interest of safety please consult local life guard regarding currents and conditions. The cliff walk is a testing and beautifully scenic walk around Howth head. The gardens at Howth Castle are open to the public.
Inishbofin – 53°36.40'N, 10°13.00'W Quite an isolated community on an island at the extreme W of Europe (the Kenmare Peninsular is only little further west). Worth stopping to experience it.
Pilotage is easy from the south and the anchorage is sheltered from SW through SE. Can be quite unpleasant in winds from the S quadrant.
Land at the pier and at the root there are signs to Dolphin View Hotel (where we went) and to Filthy McNasty 's Bar (sic) which offered "good craic" (essentially a good time).
Cant say we were exactly welcomed, but we did arrive at 18.00 on a Sunday evening. The bar was crowded with families but went quiet for a while as we entered. Bar staff pleasant enough. Bar emptied at 19.00 and left a handful of men who were clearly settling in for the evening!
Hotel restaurant was only for residents and no food at the bar so drank some Guinness and ate aboard.
I 'd go again and get there in the morning.
s/v Aleria frequents Inishbofin.
It is one of our favorite destinations in Ireland and an excellent stopover along the wild west coast. I have always felt welcome. There is much more information on our website here
Carrickfergus – 54°43.00'N, 05°47.00'W I’m happy to say that in Carrickfergus Marina, which is on the north shore of Belfast Lough, about 12 miles from the city, they offer ‘a second night free’ for all visiting boats. However it is only the second night free even if you stay longer, but every little helps. Other convenient facilities/ attractions for visitors are:
Usual marina facilities, excellent showers, toilets, laundry service
Adjacent boatyard with boat hoist and complete marine services
Sail and canvas repair service
Friendly sailing club overlooking the marina – Carrickfergus Sailing Club
6 bar/restaurants, a supermarket (Sainsbury’s) and a cinema within 5 mins walk from the marina
Carrickfergus town centre and it’s Norman castle 10 mins walk from the marina.
Train service to Belfast 15 mins walk from the marina, bus service 5 mins.
Contact details for the marina are : 028 9336 6666
For marine services:
Carrick Marine Projects 028 9335 5884
For the Sailing Club: 028 9335 1402
Tory Island – 55°16.93'N, 08°14.65'W 1) Information Submitted by Mark Holbrook
2) Date 5/12/06
3) Harbour or Area Covered: Tory Island 55°15.7 N, 08° 13.6 E
4) Harbour Web Sites and e-mail: West Town, Tory Island, North Coast of Ireland
5) Suitability and Attraction for Yachts: Edge-of-the-World island and providing you respect the needs of the fishing boats yachts are welcome
6) Marinas, Berthing or Anchorage: The harbour is about centre of the south coast of the island. There is a new breakwater clearly visible as a line of broken rock from 3 miles off. The entrance however is not visible until you are virtually at the breakwater. Entrance is at the eastern end of the breakwater but take care of lobster pots which are laid in the approach. Once inside turn to port avoiding the bank left behind after the new fairway was dredged. Berth against the east side of the north/south section of wall close to the slipway. After tying up consult Pat Doohan at the Tory Hotel as to movement of fishing boats and ferries
11) Attitude of Officials to Visiting Yachtsmen: Very welcoming. Tory Island has its own King Patsy Dan Mac Ruairi who will find you soon after you arrive and welcome you himself.
13) Sailing Directions or Charts: Plan of harbour attached, notice extent of dredging spoil, scale of plan best judged from photograph. Photo of harbour attached taken looking south. Notice: dredging spoil bank; rubble wall on seaward side of harbour wall; my boat was subsequently moved further up the harbour towards the slip. (*dredging spoil no longer so prominent but rocky shore shelves steeply opposite and to NE of breakwater end).
14) Cruising Guide and where Obtainable. Include Phone and/or E-Mail East and North Coast of Ireland, Imray
18) Other Facilities: a) drinking water: At slipway; b) fuel; c) gas (propane)/gaz; d) chandlers; e) bank; f) shops/market: Small shop next to church: g) restaurants/hotels Tory Island hotel: h) post office/telephones including mobile facilities; i) internet cafes; j) best mailing address; k) showers At hotel; l) laundry; m) transport/air services Ferry to Bunbeg; n) medical facilities/hospital
19) Recommendations or Warnings: Thriving artists community
20) Other Information – please include here general impressions, opinions, comments or any other matter which might be of use to those visiting.
By Hasbun - 10 Jun 2019
It should be noted that the file: is, unfortunately, no longer available.
We ourselves are cruising SW Ireland, having departed Dingle today.
By Hasbun - 30 Jun 2019
In Ireland, via Daria and Alex Blackwell’s book Cruising the Atlantic Way we discovered the free website:
And what a site it is! For Ireland, it has more depth, more details, more information, more anchorages and is more comprehensive (by far) than any of the 14 Imray books we carry onboard for other areas of Europe. What a treasure this website it is.
One webpage covers each harbor or anchorage. On each page, the middle section is “Not what you need?” It then directs you to the next anchorages or harbors, either by compass direction or coastal sequence. We found the coastal sequence incredibly rich and have never before seen such a wealth of resources
Highly recommended for anyone cruising Ireland.
OH s.v. Peregrinus
By David.Tyler - 7 Jul 2019
Weaverbird is at anchor off Kinsale, on the shallow bank north of James's Fort.  There's still plenty of room to anchor here, no need to go into the KYC marina. This seems to be the spot for we foreigners: behind Weaverbird is a French cat, and to the right of the photo is a Norwegian double-ender.
Kinsale always used to be a gourmet hotspot, and there are still plenty of Michelin stickers in the restaurant windows. Moving swiftly past those, there are also plenty of places to eat and drink at lower budgets. The Supervalu supermarket at the top of the town is excellent, reminding me of Booths in the North of England with its local produce and quality foods in general.