By bwallace - 5 Apr 2017
Jon Sanders 10th Circumnavigation There has been very little on the OCC site in regard to Jon Sanders (age 77) after he left Perth on his attempt at his 10th circumnavigation last October. Jon was made an Honorary Member in 2014, by which time he had 9 circumnavigations under his belt including a double, followed by a triple circumnavigation. His records are amazing what he has achieved during his sailing career is just unbelievable. Sue and I were privileged to meet Jon whilst travelling in Western Australia, at a breakfast in the Royal Perth Yacht Club organised by Port officer David Hayes for fellow OCC members. Jon who had recently undergone Heart Surgery, was a quiet unassuming person, and kindly showed us around his boat “Perie Banon 2”. Which appeared to be simply fitted out, with few of the toys we all think we need. His reports are few and far between, 7th March arriving at St Helena, and his last position report shows him off Guyana heading towards the British Virgin Islands. OCC boats in the area should keep an eye open for Jon. I think he deserves all the moral support fellow OCC members can give him. At this stage I do not know if his blog can be displayed on the OCC site, but I understand that is being pursued by Daria. You can follow his record breaking voyage on his website His Position report is on There is also a facebook page: I will endeavour to post any updates on this forum as they appear.
Brian C Wallace s/v Darramy
By jennyjen - 5 Apr 2017
Hi Brian, in fact as discussed with you earlier, there have been a lot of postings about Jon on the OCC facebook page, and in fact right now we have several OCC boats and port Officers in the Caribbean actively watching his Predict Wind track (the only available contact with him right now as his blog-sending system seems to have failed). They will advise as soon as he is spotted. At present we do not know if he is headed to Barbados, Antigua or possibly the BVIs, which has been his more traditional port of call. But have no fears, plans are in place to both welcome him home in Oct or so!
By bwallace - 6 Apr 2017
I now have heard that Jon is heading to Tortola in The British Virgin Isles. His AIS is transmitting, but is not being picked up on the Fleet Map. His Blog site is not at present being updated due to technical problems. Which the RPYC will deal with on his arrival at Tortola The intended route back across the Pacific is uncertain, but at present it Jon 's intention to call to New Zealand before calling to Sydney before heading back home to Freemantle either around the North or South of Australia depending on the time of year, and how he is feeling. Latest position on Predict Wind about 150 miles ESE of Barbados Watch this space!
By bwallace - 8 Apr 2017
As at 16.30 ZT Perie Banou 2 was NW of Dominca and looks on track for the BVI 's Port Officers are on stand by as are member vessels in the area. At present Jon is sailing at 5.7 kts with approx 230 miles to go to Tortola. (if that is his destination). Brian
By jennyjen - 10 Apr 2017
Jon Sanders just about to arrive Spanish Town, BVI to check in - I am sure we will hear from him once all the paperwork has been done and he can sit down with a beer in his hand and good wifi! miles Pilch, PO Tortola, will be making contact as soon as he can and will let us know how all is going. Well done Jon!
By bwallace - 10 Apr 2017
Well done Jon, Enjoy a pint, and relax for a bit Safe onward Passage. Brian and Sue s/v Darramy
By jennyjen - 12 Apr 2017
Message from PO Miles Sutherland-Pilch to say he met up with Jon in Virgin Gorda, welcomed him and gave him a new OCC flag to replace the tattered one flying and left him, pint in hand, due to sail over to Nanny Cay shortly. Congrats!
By bwallace - 13 Jun 2017
I see Jon Sanders is well into the Pacific now on his 10th circumnavigation looks like he is heading towards French Polynesia.
Keep a look out if you are in the area
Brian s/v Darramy
By bwallace - 2 Jul 2017
Congratulations once again to Jon Sanders, having arrived at Papeete in French Polynesia. By my reckoning he is now two thirds around on his tenth circumnavigation. Well done Jon
Brian s/v Darramy
By bwallace - 23 Jul 2017
Wow, just checked Jon's position. Now SSE of Tonga. Great progress towards No 10. Brian s/v Darramy
By bwallace - 4 Aug 2017
Jon Sanders on Perie Banou 2 has now made it safely to Noumea, New Caladonia. With less than 1000 miles to go to Bunderberg in Queensland Australia. Which way will he head home to Perth, North around the top or South around the bottom of Australia. He now about 7/8th into his tenth circumnavigation. Well done Jon Brian s/v Darramy
By bwallace - 29 Aug 2017
Jon Sanders reaches Australia. Jon has arrived at Bundaberg Queensland. Only one big lump of land is keeping him from his home port of Perth and completion of his record 10th Circumnavigation. once again well done Jon. Brian s/v Darramy
By bwallace - 14 Nov 2017
Jon Sanders now in Tasmania, not much further to go to Perth WA. Thus completing his record breaking 10th Circumnavigation. Here is a copy of his latest Blog which also gives the OCC a good profile. We should be showing him support with the OCC leading the international sailing community.
Brian Wallace s/v Darramy
I have entered lot’s of harbours, but few are as natural and magnificent as Sydney November 7, 2017 jon_admin Front Page
Blog Post 35 by Jon Sanders: Sydney(Not everyone reading this blog is a yachts person or a sailor residing in Australia). I have entered lots of harbours, but few are as natural and magnificent as Sydney, although Rio de Janeiro Brazil comes to mind (both natural harbours). Sydney Harbour is surrounded by a modern city and some parks, it is busy though not just commercial, with big boating activity. By world standards, leisure in the Harbour is huge. Clean – some might say not clean enough (it’s pretty awful in a lot of Asia; not here!). The Cruising Yacht Club of Australia has a busy marina, and it is all masts…
A forest of them. A Bird Cage Marina. Nice. The only powerboats are a Past Commodore, the sturdy start boats (that mark the start and finish line in yacht racing), and Ribs – with hard-bottom rubber sided open vessels, powered by a big outboard motor and used to assist sail training, yacht races, and to ferry crew to moored yachts in Rushcutters Bay – home of the Cruising Club of Australia (CYCA). World famous home of the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race. The weather on the Hobart route can often be challenging, including in the Sydney region, which can be different in the middle of the course, the stretch called the Bass Strait (or pond) and different again in Hobart (the southern region of the Island State of Tasmania). Before I started from Perth/Fremantle in Western Australia, on this 10th circumnavigation, an Australia Yachting safety inspector checked my yacht. Much of those yachting requirements begin with the CYCA because of their immense experience. From the CYCA it ends up worldwide. On my arrival in Sydney, I received a message from former Senator and Federal Minister Ian Campbell, with an invitation to spend a day on his Oyster 68. Ian had recently sailed the yacht from Western Australia; on board would be Commodore Michael Campbell – Royal Perth Yacht Club, and wives (Ian and Mike are not related, well maybe a few hundred or hundreds of years ago. They don’t know either). Robin Morritt and Gareth Owen-Conway (Royal Perth Yacht Club) flew in from Perth, arriving 9pm the night before going out with Ian, the next day – we three have done much Ocean sailing together, including Cape Town to Rio de Janeiro yacht race – wanted something to eat, they did. We caught a taxi to nearby Kings Cross. We used to call that ‘Smut Cross’ (is that politically correct?). How would I know! It was Friday night, but the Cross didn’t seem to be the hustle and bustle it once was. Didn’t notice any guys touting for… doesn’t matter. Gareth and Robin decided on Mexican. I eat everything and anything. I didn’t like that Mexican much; maybe because McDonald’s was just down the road (we should have gone there). Afterwards, we found an off-shoot friendly trendy bar – Hon Ian Campbell will be reading this. Now he will know why we were a teeny weeny bit late next morning.
Jones Bay WharfWe sailed from Jones Bay Wharf, where Ian’s boat was tied, to Spring Cove in the Harbour on the north side of North Head. That is a nice place to picnic. Several days later Paul Furness, Regional Rear Commodore of the Ocean Cruising Club (OCC) – worldwide – in conjunction with the Cruising Club of Australia had a reception for me at the CYCA. At the reception were two Royal Perth Yacht Club members – from the other side of the desert. Sean Bennett and Andrew (Bink) Campbell. I have done a lot of trans ocean sailing with Sean. Andrew sailed with Ian from Western Australia etc. The CYCA and OCC were wonderful! The staff and members were the ultimate. To become a member of OCC, one must have sailed at minimum 1000 Nautical Miles without stopping, with the vessel sailed to be under 70ft (might be 75 ft); I am a life member. The OCC provide contacts worldwide. Also at the event was Wolfgang Salinger, who supplied me with the Seawind Whispering Wind Turbine. Salinger is the product’s dealer in Australia. German. The turbine provides power to my batteries. In a full on gale, such as I had from the west in the Aghulas current south of South Africa (I suppose I could write South of Africa – not out of Africa), anyway, with all power units turned on (B&G gear and the rest) the batteries all remained maxed charged. No need to start the engine in all that very rough stuff to charge the batteries. – It is a bit important. – And if the need be, one can switch the turbine with its carbon fibre blades off, by switching a switch. Just like that. The event was hosted by Paul Furness Rear Commodore OCC, Karen Greta CEO CYCA and Terry Wise CYCA. A few days later Sean Bennett arrives at CYCA again. Instead of giving the command to take off respective lines on the near 100ft super-power yacht he captains, he simply chucked mine off. We motored to the Australian National Maritime Museum (ANMM). Met by Daina Fletcher chief curator of the Maritime Museum, the Museum naval architect David Payne and Andrew the museum filmmaker. Andrew photo’d me all over the yacht, everywhere. Not fussy what he photo’s (I am not exactly David Beckham). Then there was an oral stint in the main building, led by Daina. Followed by lunch in the Museum’s restaurant. Yum! All-in-all it was a superior experience. Beautiful people. David Payne’s uncle was Alan Payne, Australia’s first Americas Cup 12-meter designer, with the famous Gretel’s. In those way-off days, Dainer worked for Alan Payne. Sean, now with his Taiwanese hostess and me, took PB2 back to the CYCA. Two days later Laura and Luke from B&G came to the yacht. Luke armed with another exotic camera. With them was Kevin Green, a Scotsman and international yachting writer. Naturally, surprise-surprise, he too armed with a camera. If one were not acquainted with B&G gear, after meeting Luke and Laura, you would probably be most interested. Why? – dunno. Their charisma I suppose. Bit good. Kevin Green, writer. It was my turn to grab a camera, well, actually (I loathe to write) my iPhone 6 – how unsophisticated, to photo Kevin’s 650 off-road Yamaha motorbike. That is all the things I cannot properly do. Would like to. I suspect my family would soon be throwing ashes into the creek – mine! Robin Morritt, much as he has a love for the sea, his real major adventures are on his three off-road motorbikes. He travels 1000s of miles, each year, across Australia and its deserts. Much off road. He’s a geologist with PhD, has held major positions with important mining companies. On his motorbike he explores. WATCH this space. Back in my wee world. I am a bit early to head west to Western Australia, but soon. Kindest regards to all. Jon
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By simoncurrin - 16 Nov 2017
Brian, Another intrepid Australian OCC member to keep an eye on is Bill Hatfield who is half way through a solo, non-stop circumnavigation. His 2015 attention was thwarted in the Drake’s Passage with an epic retreat to the Falklands. He is not in the first flush of youth either. Great effort all round from those senior members down under. edited by simoncurrin on 11/16/2017 edited by simoncurrin on 11/16/2017
By bwallace - 26 Nov 2017
According to Jon's latest position report, he is now half way across the Great Australian Bight. Not far to go. Will he stop off at Albany, or head straight round Cape Leeuwin and home to Perth, to complete his record breaking 10th Circumnavigation?
Brian Wallace s/v Darramy
By bwallace - 2 Dec 2017
Well, it looks like Jon in heading straight home to Perth, by my reckoning he only has about 500 miles to go. Isn't anyone excited that an OCC Honorary Member is going into the record books by completing his 10th circumnavigation? . We met John at an OCC breakfast in Perth a couple of years ago. A quite unassuming gentleman. Will he back at the bar in the Royal Perth this time next week having a pint of his favourite beer?
Brian Wallace s/v Darramy