OCC Forums

Crew needed


By Luc.Carlier - 2 Aug 2018

Looking for crew-3-for old gaffer Nelly Mathilde (www.Nelly Mathilde) . One or more legs. Dep.16th. Aug.from Rosas (Spain) and back planned 11th.Oct. via Gibraltar, Lanzarote,Funchal,
Horta, Lagos, Sevilla.
edited by Luc.Carlier on 8/2/2018
By rachelle.turk - 28 Aug 2018

Luc has updated his crew required listing as follows:

In fact I am seeking for crew for a cruise on my yacht (http://www.nelly-mathilde.com) with a passage plan as follows :
Dep. Rosas (Spain) 6th Sept.2018
7-10 Sept.Ciudadela (Mionorca)
15-17 Sept. Gibraltar
20-22 Sept. Lagos
24-26 Sept. Sevilla
30 Sept.-3 Oct. : Cartagena
6th. Oct.: Arrival Rosas
Contact luclcarlier@free.fr