OCC Forums

Navigating Brazil


By Silvio - 4 Nov 2019

Right before completing my circumnavigation in March 2013, I was asked by the circumnavigator's that where sailing with me, to help them and other sailors to navigate de Brazilean Coast. I designed and developed a blog, that should be a good starting point to anyone interested on navigating our waters.


This blog promotes and help foreign boats to come navigating in Brazil.

Now retired and with lots of time and energy on hands, I want to continue to promote and facilitate foreign SVs to come to visit our enormous coast.
I opened this OCC Forum Subject to discuss any and all questions Captain's and Sailors might have about it, and will do my best to help.

By rhudson - 8 Nov 2019


Thanks for your blog on cruising Brazil!   
It's been quite a few years since I've been to Brazil, but its definitely a place I'd like to return to.  
I was impressed by your entry for Suape, to see GPS waypoints listed for the route behind the reefs.  I had no waypoints when I went there, and I remember how often I touched bottom, reversed, and tried a different route. 
