OCC Forums

Newport Bermuda Race 2020


By Clark.Reiner - 3 Mar 2020

Looking to compete in my 8th Newport Bermuda Race in a row. Can take any position including Galley slave. Located in New York City and Newport. Will share expenses. Please contact me at: Sailaway6@gmail.com
By Dick - 3 Mar 2020

Clark.Reiner - 3/3/2020
Looking to compete in my 8th Newport Bermuda Race in a row. Can take any position including Galley slave. Located in New York City and Newport. Will share expenses. Please contact me at: Sailaway6@gmail.com

Hi Clark,
If memory serves, many of the bigger races, such as the N-B Race, have a platform of some sort to link potential crew with boats/skippers. You might try contacting the organizing committee. Dick