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George.Curtis2 (Past OCC Member)
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Mike Bickell - Grandpa’s Maps

Albany – 35°02.00'S, 117°52.00'E
Esperance – 34°00.00'S, 122°00.00'E
Fremantle – 32°02.00'S, 115°42.00'E

[color=#ff0000]CAUTION. Please note the date of these reports.
Albany – 35°02.00'S, 117°52.00'E

Mike & Pat Pocock - Blackjack

2)[color=#ff0000] DATE March 1993[/color]

3) HARBOUR OR AREA COVERED Albany, Western Australia. 35°02’S, 117°52’E

4) SUITABILITY AND ATTRACTION FOR YACHTS Albany is a useful stopover in either direction.


Anchorage off the town is uncomfortable but is convenient for shopping. We believe there is a marina at Emu Point to the \\NE of the town but we did not see it. The Princess Royal Sailing club is very welcoming although it can be quite rough in their pens, but this club, situa6ted in South Grove, is some miles from the town. A draft of 2.12 metres is the limit at the |PRSC, though the bottom is soft.

6) ENTRY PORTS Albany is an entry Port


c) visa requirements Essential


a) harbour master In office above grain silos

11) REPAIR/HAULING FACILITIES Very limited by draft

12) SAILING DIRECTIONS OR CHARTS Well marked ship channel.

13) PORT RADIO SERVICES Try Ch 16 in working hours, but don’t rely on it.

14) WEATHER FORECASTS Perth Radio 2201kHz, 4426kHz, 6507kHz, 8176 HF at 0718, 1318, 1918 W.A. Standard time.

15) YACHT CLUB(S) Princess Royal Sailing Club. Shower keys and marina keys obtainable from the barman.


a) drinking water at the PRSC marina

b) fuel Probably at Emu Point or in cans by road.

c) gas (propane)/gaz/ Not known, but probably buy road from filling station.

d) chandlers Not found

e) bank In town

f) shops/market In town (one small one near PRSC)

g) restaurants/hotels In town

h) post office/telephones In town

i) best mailing address In town Mail - Poste Restante, Albany, WA 6330.

j) showers At PRSC

k) laundry In town

l) transport/air services) Little local transport. Small Airfield.

m) hospital Yes


Albany is one of the earliest places settled in Western Australia. So there is much of historical interest. Do go and see ‘The Gap’ and the Whaling Museum if you have transport.

Esperance – 34°00.00'S, 122°00.00'E
1) INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Mike & Pat Pocock - Blackjack
2) DATE March 1993[/color]

3) HARBOUR OR AREA COVERED Esperance, Western Australia, 34°S, 122°E approx.

4) SUITABILITY AND ATTRACTION FOR YACHTS Esperance is a convenient stopover if one has made a passage across the head of the Bight from the Eyre Peninsula or vice versa.

5) MARINAS, BERTHING OR ANCHORAGE The best berths are in the Esperance Bay. Yacht Club marina if there is a space. If there is a strong easterly wind blowing it is a difficult mooring operation and we would advise anchoring in the lee of the breakwater. The mornings are generally quieter than the afternoon. Yachts can lie at Taylor’s wharf or anchor off the beach, neither of which would be very comfortable.

6) ENTRY PORTS Esperance is an entry port.


c) visa requirements Essential


a) harbour master In the Port Authority building in the grain loading complex.

b) customs/immigration Ditto

c) health authorities Not found

d) police In Dempster Street


12) SAILING DIRECTIONS OR CHARTS ‘Cruising West’ by Kevin Lane is useful. The charts of the area are all based on very early surveys and must be read accordingly.

13) PORT RADIO SERVICES Try Ch 16 in working hours but don’t rely on it.

14) WEATHER FORECASTS Perth Radio 2201kHz, 4426kHz, 6507kHz, 8176 HF at 0718, 1318, 1918 W.A. Standard Time.

15) YACHT CLUB(S) Esperance Bay Y.C. marina . Shower keys and marina keys (the latter absolutely essential) can be obtained from Mike Mailes at the Shell Service Station, one block in on Andrews Street.


a) drinking water At the marina

b) fuel On Taylor’s Wharf by arrangement

c) gas (propane)/gaz/ From the nearest service station

d) chandlers None

e) bank ) All in town to good small town

f) shops/market ) standards. Good photographic service at D & R Photographics

h) post office/telephones Centre of town.

i) best mailing address Poste Restante, Esperance, W.A. 6450

j) showers At the club

k) laundry in Dempster Street

l) transport/air services) Not known

m) hospital Yes

n) anything else

17) FIRST HAND RECOMMENDATIONS OR WARNINGS Do not expect to find anchorages in the Recherche group. The islands are rock with sheer sides and few landings.

Fremantle – 32°02.00'S, 115°42.00'E

1) INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Mike & Pat Pocock - Blackjack

[color=#ff0000]2) DATE 1993[/color]

3) HARBOUR OR AREA COVERED Fremantle, Western Australia 32° 02’S 115° 32’E

4) SUITABILITY AND ATTRACTION FOR YACHTS Fixed bridges prevent a yacht of any size going up the Swan river to Perth, although there are many yacht clubs on this stretch of water. Local boats often have hinged masts, or masts in tabernacles. At the entrance to the Swan river is a complex of fishing harbours, marinas etc.

5) MARINAS, BERTHING OR ANCHORAGE Fremantle Sailing Club is the only marina taking visitors, though very large vessels (over 100ft) may be found a berth in the Fishing boat harbour by prior arrangement.

6) ENTRY PORTS Fremantle


a) from/to same country You must report in to every Customs port for which a list will be provided and send a pre-paid postcard from intermediate ports. A cruising permit will be issued by Customs when you have handed them a detailed itinerary, listing all the places at which you plan to call in Australia.

b) from/to abroad (The information given here on the original report was out of date see: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Ente/Avia/Maritime/Requirements-for-yachts-and-pleasure-craft/Information-for-yachts-travelling-to-Australia-arrival-%28arrival%29)

c) visa requirements Essential.

8) LOCATION/EXISTENCE OF a) harbour master Based on Fishing boat harbour b) customs/immigration In the town c) health authorities In the town d) police In the town

10) ATTITUDE OF OFFICIALS TO VISITING YACHTSMEN Individual officers quite pleasant but the whole system is a bureaucratic nightmare

11) REPAIR/HAULING FACILITIES At the Fremantle Sailing club in Success Harbour

12) SAILING DIRECTIONS OR CHARTS Aus.112 & 117 and for large scale of harbour - 113 Final approach to the FSC is not easy, particularly at night - see attached sketch chart.

13) PORT RADIO SERVICES Perth Radio keep listening watch day & night on 2182, 4125 & 6215 HF.

14) WEATHER FORECASTS Weather forecasts Perth Radio 2201, 4426, 6507, 8176 HF at 0718, 1318 &1918 WA standard time.

15) YACHT CLUB(S) Fremantle Sailing club and Royal Perth Yacht club below the bridges and many others up the Swan river.


a) drinking water Fremantle Sailing club marina & Fishing boat harbour.

b) fuel Fishing boat harbour

c) gas (propane)/gaz/ At FSC and filling stations in town

d) chandlers In FSC grounds

e) bank In town

f) shops/market In Fremantle itself, very limited in South Terrace just behind the main road by the Club

g) restaurants/hotels In town

h) post office/telephones In Fremantle

i) best mailing address c/o Fremantle Sailing Club, Success Harbour, Marine Terrace, Fremantle, WA 6162, Fax (0)9 430 5396

j) showers In FSC

k) laundry Launderette in South Terrace, 3 mins walk from FSC.

l) transport/air services) Excellent crew change port. International airport in Perth. 30 mins train to Perth from Fremantle. Buses along South Terrace into Fremantle.

m) hospital Both Fremantle and Perth

n) anything else .

17) FIRST HAND RECOMMENDATIONS OR WARNINGS The one and only place in Western Australia where there is access to all facilities required for refitting a yacht.

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