Key Attitudes in Passage-Making

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Hi All,
Attached is more in the writing that I occasionally post. The preface is as follows:
I believe that most of us will successfully achieve our passage-making goal (arrive at our destination). There is much written about activities that contribute to safe and successful passages. The following is an article about attitudes that will contribute to satisfying passage-making, the kind of passage-making that makes you long to be offshore again.
As always, I look forward to questions, comments, thoughts.
This article first saw publication in the US Naval Academy's publication, The Helmsman.
My best, Dick Stevenson, s/v Alchemy
Nigel Studdart
Nigel Studdart
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HI Dick,

What a great article and I concur with your thoughts. I always sail at around 2/3 and if it adds a few days, well it adds a few days. Captaining large super yachts one of my biggest challenges was to take keen young crew-members and make them safe. The temptation to throw themselves into launching a tender or working a line on a winch is always there. The realisation that may tons are on that line is best learnt with the loss of a little pride rather than skin and bone. I will always remember a crew member reaching for a runaway sheet on a primary handling a Genoa on a 180ft Rig. I managed to stop them but only just. My error in not enough training and the assumption of previous experience they said they had. I have never forgotten it. being under maned or over pressed like running to an unrealistic schedule is a recipe for tragedy.

Great article, particularly liked comment with regards to parenting . So true.


Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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I had not come across this thread before but your article is excellent and, as ever, thought provoking. Thank you for posting it. I would love to really know what goes on in the heads of those the more intrepid and the solo sailors. What keeps these folk pushing away at great personal risk and in extreme circumstances?
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Hi Nigel and Simon,
Thanks for the kind words.
I have certainly found that some (many) enter off-shore sailing with habits that work against themselves, (and perhaps more importantly, their crew) having a satisfying enjoyable time and they soon slip away to other activities.
My best, Dick

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