A new state of the art nav system

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Sandy.Herbert - 22 Nov 2024
Joerg.Esdorn - 21 Nov 2024
Sandy.Herbert - 19 Nov 2024
I want to replace my existing navigation hardware and I am looking for advice on the state of the art.
My present system is 12 years old. It consists of two Garmin GPSmap 4008s, one at the chart table and one on the binnacle. They are networked and both can be used to display maps, follow routes, display AIS targets, control and display the radar and all the other stuff they do like display tides, show wind graphs etc. etc.
I use a PC and OpenCPN or Homeport to do routing and transfer the routes using SD cards ( no WiFi on these old systems). Up till now I have used a sat phone to connect to the Internet and to download grib files using Sailmail or similar. I use the PC and OpenCPN to display the grib files. I have a Vesper AIS which is also my WiFi hub.
This system does everything I want and has served me well.
However the GPSmaps are getting old and are classed as legacy devices by Garmin. I managed to update the OS recently which has prolonged their lives but I can see the end coming. The plotters don't support the most recent Garmin maps and can't read any other format. Also Garmin maps are fantastically expensive.
I am a bit out of the cruising network and I would like to know what people are installing now for long distance offshore cruising. Ideally I would like a system not based on a dedicated plotter. However, I do want a reliable system and if this means a brand plotter so be it. I would also like to know what people are installing for satellite communications and weather. Answers from real experience please rather than speculation.

Hi Sandy, my system is about 8 years old but I'm very happy with it so let me tell you what I have.  Like Simon, I'm doing all my navigating and weather routing on a PC.  There's just no comparison between using a mouse and using your fingers on a touch screen.  The PC runs the successor program to MaxSea which was bought by Furuno.  Furuno calls it TZ Professional.  It interfaces with my Furuno TZ Touch plotter in the cockpit so that I can send all the routes (and changes to them as I go) to the plotter at the press of a button.  It also shares the same C Map charts as the plotter - so I don't have to pay for one more set of charts. AIS comes into the plotter and the laptop from a Furuno FA75 (not sure - I just replaced it because the old on malfunctioned).  I can also look at the radar picture on the laptop - which works great in tense situations where someone in the cockpit is watching the plotter and another person is paying careful attention to radar targets down below at the chart table.  

I also have a set of H5000 B&G instruments which cover the basics such as wind, speed, depth, etc and are fully interfaced with the Furuno plotter/laptop combo via the NMEA 2000 backbone.   I also have an Echopilot forward looking sonar which has been very helpful in uncharted areas.

In terms of weather routing, I use the Expedition program written by Nick White who is a famous navigator from NZ who wrote his own program for the first Whitbread race a gazillion years ago.  The program is difficult to learn and probably overkill for the normal cruiser but I learned to love it many years ago when I was into ocean racing.  All ocean racers either use Expedition or if they speak French, Adrena.  One key thing it does it enables you to perfect your polars which you use for doing the routing.  I've tried the Predict Wind routing a few years ago  but I didn't think it was comparable.  I'm aware that they are logging data now to create polars but I'm not sure how good that is.  But from all I'm hearing, Predict Wind is doing good work for many cruisers so it's definitely an option you should consider.  

I hope that helps in your decision!  

Thanks for this reply.That sounds like the kind of thing I am looking for. Can you use TX professional as your nav station at the chart table?
If it's not a rude or delicate question where did you buy TX professional and your charts?

By nav station I reallly mean, can you use it instead of a plotter at the chart table. I currently have two plotters, one at the chart table and one in the cockpit.
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Simon Currin - 21 Nov 2024
Sandy,No you do not import the Route into Windy. Use the Windy Hub App and it functions more like PredictWind.I have just recorded a webinar with PredictWind and will post the recording here tomorrow. It was more of a Q&A webinar.Simon

Thanks. I saw the webinar on the events list but I was too late to participate
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Joerg.Esdorn - 21 Nov 2024
Sandy.Herbert - 19 Nov 2024
I want to replace my existing navigation hardware and I am looking for advice on the state of the art.
My present system is 12 years old. It consists of two Garmin GPSmap 4008s, one at the chart table and one on the binnacle. They are networked and both can be used to display maps, follow routes, display AIS targets, control and display the radar and all the other stuff they do like display tides, show wind graphs etc. etc.
I use a PC and OpenCPN or Homeport to do routing and transfer the routes using SD cards ( no WiFi on these old systems). Up till now I have used a sat phone to connect to the Internet and to download grib files using Sailmail or similar. I use the PC and OpenCPN to display the grib files. I have a Vesper AIS which is also my WiFi hub.
This system does everything I want and has served me well.
However the GPSmaps are getting old and are classed as legacy devices by Garmin. I managed to update the OS recently which has prolonged their lives but I can see the end coming. The plotters don't support the most recent Garmin maps and can't read any other format. Also Garmin maps are fantastically expensive.
I am a bit out of the cruising network and I would like to know what people are installing now for long distance offshore cruising. Ideally I would like a system not based on a dedicated plotter. However, I do want a reliable system and if this means a brand plotter so be it. I would also like to know what people are installing for satellite communications and weather. Answers from real experience please rather than speculation.

Hi Sandy, my system is about 8 years old but I'm very happy with it so let me tell you what I have.  Like Simon, I'm doing all my navigating and weather routing on a PC.  There's just no comparison between using a mouse and using your fingers on a touch screen.  The PC runs the successor program to MaxSea which was bought by Furuno.  Furuno calls it TZ Professional.  It interfaces with my Furuno TZ Touch plotter in the cockpit so that I can send all the routes (and changes to them as I go) to the plotter at the press of a button.  It also shares the same C Map charts as the plotter - so I don't have to pay for one more set of charts. AIS comes into the plotter and the laptop from a Furuno FA75 (not sure - I just replaced it because the old on malfunctioned).  I can also look at the radar picture on the laptop - which works great in tense situations where someone in the cockpit is watching the plotter and another person is paying careful attention to radar targets down below at the chart table.  

I also have a set of H5000 B&G instruments which cover the basics such as wind, speed, depth, etc and are fully interfaced with the Furuno plotter/laptop combo via the NMEA 2000 backbone.   I also have an Echopilot forward looking sonar which has been very helpful in uncharted areas.

In terms of weather routing, I use the Expedition program written by Nick White who is a famous navigator from NZ who wrote his own program for the first Whitbread race a gazillion years ago.  The program is difficult to learn and probably overkill for the normal cruiser but I learned to love it many years ago when I was into ocean racing.  All ocean racers either use Expedition or if they speak French, Adrena.  One key thing it does it enables you to perfect your polars which you use for doing the routing.  I've tried the Predict Wind routing a few years ago  but I didn't think it was comparable.  I'm aware that they are logging data now to create polars but I'm not sure how good that is.  But from all I'm hearing, Predict Wind is doing good work for many cruisers so it's definitely an option you should consider.  

I hope that helps in your decision!  

Sorry to keep bugging you. I have a Garmin radar which is currently controlled and displayed on either of the plotters with the possibility to overlay the radar display on the chart or bring AIS targets onto the radar display. Mostly I use it for tracking squalls. Do you have any idea if the Furuno plotter would interface with a Garmin radar? I am usually single handed and it is useful to have the maximum of stuff duplicated at the wheel and at the chart table.
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Sandy.Herbert - 22 Nov 2024
Joerg.Esdorn - 21 Nov 2024
Sandy.Herbert - 19 Nov 2024
I want to replace my existing navigation hardware and I am looking for advice on the state of the art.
My present system is 12 years old. It consists of two Garmin GPSmap 4008s, one at the chart table and one on the binnacle. They are networked and both can be used to display maps, follow routes, display AIS targets, control and display the radar and all the other stuff they do like display tides, show wind graphs etc. etc.
I use a PC and OpenCPN or Homeport to do routing and transfer the routes using SD cards ( no WiFi on these old systems). Up till now I have used a sat phone to connect to the Internet and to download grib files using Sailmail or similar. I use the PC and OpenCPN to display the grib files. I have a Vesper AIS which is also my WiFi hub.
This system does everything I want and has served me well.
However the GPSmaps are getting old and are classed as legacy devices by Garmin. I managed to update the OS recently which has prolonged their lives but I can see the end coming. The plotters don't support the most recent Garmin maps and can't read any other format. Also Garmin maps are fantastically expensive.
I am a bit out of the cruising network and I would like to know what people are installing now for long distance offshore cruising. Ideally I would like a system not based on a dedicated plotter. However, I do want a reliable system and if this means a brand plotter so be it. I would also like to know what people are installing for satellite communications and weather. Answers from real experience please rather than speculation.

Hi Sandy, my system is about 8 years old but I'm very happy with it so let me tell you what I have.  Like Simon, I'm doing all my navigating and weather routing on a PC.  There's just no comparison between using a mouse and using your fingers on a touch screen.  The PC runs the successor program to MaxSea which was bought by Furuno.  Furuno calls it TZ Professional.  It interfaces with my Furuno TZ Touch plotter in the cockpit so that I can send all the routes (and changes to them as I go) to the plotter at the press of a button.  It also shares the same C Map charts as the plotter - so I don't have to pay for one more set of charts. AIS comes into the plotter and the laptop from a Furuno FA75 (not sure - I just replaced it because the old on malfunctioned).  I can also look at the radar picture on the laptop - which works great in tense situations where someone in the cockpit is watching the plotter and another person is paying careful attention to radar targets down below at the chart table.  

I also have a set of H5000 B&G instruments which cover the basics such as wind, speed, depth, etc and are fully interfaced with the Furuno plotter/laptop combo via the NMEA 2000 backbone.   I also have an Echopilot forward looking sonar which has been very helpful in uncharted areas.

In terms of weather routing, I use the Expedition program written by Nick White who is a famous navigator from NZ who wrote his own program for the first Whitbread race a gazillion years ago.  The program is difficult to learn and probably overkill for the normal cruiser but I learned to love it many years ago when I was into ocean racing.  All ocean racers either use Expedition or if they speak French, Adrena.  One key thing it does it enables you to perfect your polars which you use for doing the routing.  I've tried the Predict Wind routing a few years ago  but I didn't think it was comparable.  I'm aware that they are logging data now to create polars but I'm not sure how good that is.  But from all I'm hearing, Predict Wind is doing good work for many cruisers so it's definitely an option you should consider.  

I hope that helps in your decision!  

Thanks for this reply.That sounds like the kind of thing I am looking for. Can you use TX professional as your nav station at the chart table?
If it's not a rude or delicate question where did you buy TX professional and your charts?

Sorry for the delay, Herbert.  I didn't realize you were replying to me.  Yes, the TZ Professional is on a big Windows laptop at my nav station and I do all the navigating and weather routing from there.  Recently, I've bought the charts from Digital Yacht, a fellow by the name of Nick Hayes.  nick@digitalyacht.co.uk.  He's more an agent for TZ professional than Furuno so you have to make it clear to him that you want all the install codes for both.  
You also asked about what communications system I use.  I have had Starlink for a good year and it works great except for the occasional drop outs.  I have converted it to 24V DC operation and immobilized the antenna so it is flat at all times.  The Starlink feed comes into a Redbox router which distributes it over the boat via WIFI.  The Redbox has the advantage that you can firewall all the gadgets on board from the Starlink, letting only certain data through.  Now that Starlink's plan charges by the GB in many places it is important to have that capability in your router.  With 5 people on board we used 150 GB on a 16 day transatlantic last year - no doubt because everybody was watching videos, downloading large files and Windows and every other program and app on every device was happily downloading updates in the background, all at $2.20 per GB!  This year, I will limit the Redbox to Whatsapp and weather files and satellite email (limited to 50KB) when we are on a metered connection.  I expect it to make a dramatic difference.  
As a backup I use an Iridium Extreme sat phone which can download emails over the Redbox.  Same slow speed as an Iridium Go.  It doubles up as emergency comms in the life raft.   I also have an Iridium Pilot but I haven't used that since I've had Starlink.  The cost per MB is more than 5 times the cost per GB on Starlink!  I hope that helps!    

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Sandy.Herbert - 22 Nov 2024
Joerg.Esdorn - 21 Nov 2024
Sandy.Herbert - 19 Nov 2024
I want to replace my existing navigation hardware and I am looking for advice on the state of the art.
My present system is 12 years old. It consists of two Garmin GPSmap 4008s, one at the chart table and one on the binnacle. They are networked and both can be used to display maps, follow routes, display AIS targets, control and display the radar and all the other stuff they do like display tides, show wind graphs etc. etc.
I use a PC and OpenCPN or Homeport to do routing and transfer the routes using SD cards ( no WiFi on these old systems). Up till now I have used a sat phone to connect to the Internet and to download grib files using Sailmail or similar. I use the PC and OpenCPN to display the grib files. I have a Vesper AIS which is also my WiFi hub.
This system does everything I want and has served me well.
However the GPSmaps are getting old and are classed as legacy devices by Garmin. I managed to update the OS recently which has prolonged their lives but I can see the end coming. The plotters don't support the most recent Garmin maps and can't read any other format. Also Garmin maps are fantastically expensive.
I am a bit out of the cruising network and I would like to know what people are installing now for long distance offshore cruising. Ideally I would like a system not based on a dedicated plotter. However, I do want a reliable system and if this means a brand plotter so be it. I would also like to know what people are installing for satellite communications and weather. Answers from real experience please rather than speculation.

Hi Sandy, my system is about 8 years old but I'm very happy with it so let me tell you what I have.  Like Simon, I'm doing all my navigating and weather routing on a PC.  There's just no comparison between using a mouse and using your fingers on a touch screen.  The PC runs the successor program to MaxSea which was bought by Furuno.  Furuno calls it TZ Professional.  It interfaces with my Furuno TZ Touch plotter in the cockpit so that I can send all the routes (and changes to them as I go) to the plotter at the press of a button.  It also shares the same C Map charts as the plotter - so I don't have to pay for one more set of charts. AIS comes into the plotter and the laptop from a Furuno FA75 (not sure - I just replaced it because the old on malfunctioned).  I can also look at the radar picture on the laptop - which works great in tense situations where someone in the cockpit is watching the plotter and another person is paying careful attention to radar targets down below at the chart table.  

I also have a set of H5000 B&G instruments which cover the basics such as wind, speed, depth, etc and are fully interfaced with the Furuno plotter/laptop combo via the NMEA 2000 backbone.   I also have an Echopilot forward looking sonar which has been very helpful in uncharted areas.

In terms of weather routing, I use the Expedition program written by Nick White who is a famous navigator from NZ who wrote his own program for the first Whitbread race a gazillion years ago.  The program is difficult to learn and probably overkill for the normal cruiser but I learned to love it many years ago when I was into ocean racing.  All ocean racers either use Expedition or if they speak French, Adrena.  One key thing it does it enables you to perfect your polars which you use for doing the routing.  I've tried the Predict Wind routing a few years ago  but I didn't think it was comparable.  I'm aware that they are logging data now to create polars but I'm not sure how good that is.  But from all I'm hearing, Predict Wind is doing good work for many cruisers so it's definitely an option you should consider.  

I hope that helps in your decision!  

Sorry to keep bugging you. I have a Garmin radar which is currently controlled and displayed on either of the plotters with the possibility to overlay the radar display on the chart or bring AIS targets onto the radar display. Mostly I use it for tracking squalls. Do you have any idea if the Furuno plotter would interface with a Garmin radar? I am usually single handed and it is useful to have the maximum of stuff duplicated at the wheel and at the chart table.

No problem at all, Herbert. The disadvantage of the Furuno integrated system is that plotter, Furuno radar and TZ Professional software on the laptop talk over a proprietary protocol via ethernet. So I doubt that you can interface the Furuno with a Garmin radar except to the extent what you are showing comes into the plotter by NMEA 2000. Don't think that' the case with radar pictures but I'm not an expert in this kind of stuff. You may want to post the question on one of the Furuno or Garmin technical forums but I can guess what the answer is: can't be done. I think you should plan on replacing the entire system or going with a stand alone radar. I would never go with a separate radar as it's so convenient to have a display both down at the chart table and at the helm station.

Whatever you do it is very important you try out the system you are planning on buying. I spent a week on a friend's boat this summer and both my friend and I were struggling a lot with creating simple routes on a B&G Vulcan plotter. The software is very complex and frustrating to me (and my friend). Furuno is easy peasy by comparison. I love a lot of things about the B&G system because it's much more oriented toward sailboats than Furuno. But easy of use is a big thing for me. 

I hope that helps. Cheers Joerg
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Joerg.Esdorn - 23 Nov 2024
Sandy.Herbert - 22 Nov 2024
Joerg.Esdorn - 21 Nov 2024
Sandy.Herbert - 19 Nov 2024
I want to replace my existing navigation hardware and I am looking for advice on the state of the art.
My present system is 12 years old. It consists of two Garmin GPSmap 4008s, one at the chart table and one on the binnacle. They are networked and both can be used to display maps, follow routes, display AIS targets, control and display the radar and all the other stuff they do like display tides, show wind graphs etc. etc.
I use a PC and OpenCPN or Homeport to do routing and transfer the routes using SD cards ( no WiFi on these old systems). Up till now I have used a sat phone to connect to the Internet and to download grib files using Sailmail or similar. I use the PC and OpenCPN to display the grib files. I have a Vesper AIS which is also my WiFi hub.
This system does everything I want and has served me well.
However the GPSmaps are getting old and are classed as legacy devices by Garmin. I managed to update the OS recently which has prolonged their lives but I can see the end coming. The plotters don't support the most recent Garmin maps and can't read any other format. Also Garmin maps are fantastically expensive.
I am a bit out of the cruising network and I would like to know what people are installing now for long distance offshore cruising. Ideally I would like a system not based on a dedicated plotter. However, I do want a reliable system and if this means a brand plotter so be it. I would also like to know what people are installing for satellite communications and weather. Answers from real experience please rather than speculation.

Hi Sandy, my system is about 8 years old but I'm very happy with it so let me tell you what I have.  Like Simon, I'm doing all my navigating and weather routing on a PC.  There's just no comparison between using a mouse and using your fingers on a touch screen.  The PC runs the successor program to MaxSea which was bought by Furuno.  Furuno calls it TZ Professional.  It interfaces with my Furuno TZ Touch plotter in the cockpit so that I can send all the routes (and changes to them as I go) to the plotter at the press of a button.  It also shares the same C Map charts as the plotter - so I don't have to pay for one more set of charts. AIS comes into the plotter and the laptop from a Furuno FA75 (not sure - I just replaced it because the old on malfunctioned).  I can also look at the radar picture on the laptop - which works great in tense situations where someone in the cockpit is watching the plotter and another person is paying careful attention to radar targets down below at the chart table.  

I also have a set of H5000 B&G instruments which cover the basics such as wind, speed, depth, etc and are fully interfaced with the Furuno plotter/laptop combo via the NMEA 2000 backbone.   I also have an Echopilot forward looking sonar which has been very helpful in uncharted areas.

In terms of weather routing, I use the Expedition program written by Nick White who is a famous navigator from NZ who wrote his own program for the first Whitbread race a gazillion years ago.  The program is difficult to learn and probably overkill for the normal cruiser but I learned to love it many years ago when I was into ocean racing.  All ocean racers either use Expedition or if they speak French, Adrena.  One key thing it does it enables you to perfect your polars which you use for doing the routing.  I've tried the Predict Wind routing a few years ago  but I didn't think it was comparable.  I'm aware that they are logging data now to create polars but I'm not sure how good that is.  But from all I'm hearing, Predict Wind is doing good work for many cruisers so it's definitely an option you should consider.  

I hope that helps in your decision!  

Sorry to keep bugging you. I have a Garmin radar which is currently controlled and displayed on either of the plotters with the possibility to overlay the radar display on the chart or bring AIS targets onto the radar display. Mostly I use it for tracking squalls. Do you have any idea if the Furuno plotter would interface with a Garmin radar? I am usually single handed and it is useful to have the maximum of stuff duplicated at the wheel and at the chart table.

No problem at all, Herbert. The disadvantage of the Furuno integrated system is that plotter, Furuno radar and TZ Professional software on the laptop talk over a proprietary protocol via ethernet. So I doubt that you can interface the Furuno with a Garmin radar except to the extent what you are showing comes into the plotter by NMEA 2000. Don't think that' the case with radar pictures but I'm not an expert in this kind of stuff. You may want to post the question on one of the Furuno or Garmin technical forums but I can guess what the answer is: can't be done. I think you should plan on replacing the entire system or going with a stand alone radar. I would never go with a separate radar as it's so convenient to have a display both down at the chart table and at the helm station.

Whatever you do it is very important you try out the system you are planning on buying. I spent a week on a friend's boat this summer and both my friend and I were struggling a lot with creating simple routes on a B&G Vulcan plotter. The software is very complex and frustrating to me (and my friend). Furuno is easy peasy by comparison. I love a lot of things about the B&G system because it's much more oriented toward sailboats than Furuno. But easy of use is a big thing for me. 

I hope that helps. Cheers Joerg

Thanks Joerg that is very useful. There is always some drawback with each system so the choice is never absolute. I'll ask Furuno and Garmin about the radar. I think it might be a problem because all the radar controls are on the Garmin plotters.
I was surprised to hear that people were still using Iridium Go. I have an Iridium phone which I used on my circumnavigation. Very slow and expensive. People were getting Iridium Go's. I was going to get one but something happened. Iridium stopped supporting it or you couldn't get the software for the PC or something but basically people stopped selling them. This was around 2013 2014. I didn't get one and I assumed they had died long ago. Strange to hear they are still in use.
Thanks again for your replies.

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Sandy.Herbert - 22 Nov 2024
Simon Currin - 21 Nov 2024
Sandy,No you do not import the Route into Windy. Use the Windy Hub App and it functions more like PredictWind.I have just recorded a webinar with PredictWind and will post the recording here tomorrow. It was more of a Q&A webinar.Simon

Thanks. I saw the webinar on the events list but I was too late to participate

I just listened to the webinar. Thanks for that. Very good. Predictwind sounds like a good system but the voices of cruisers was music to my ears
The Kiwis do some impressive stuff. I have a Vesper AIS. The help was brilliant though I haven't really needed much since I installed it. Sadly Vesper belongs to Garmin now.
I was surprised to hear people were still using Iridium Gos I have an Iridium phone I used during my circumnavigation between 2012 and 2017. Very slow and expensive. Some people were getting Gos. I was interested but something happened around 2013, 2014. Iridium stopped supporting it or maybe you couldn't get the software for Windows but whatever, suppliers stopped selling them and I never got one. I thought they had died long ago.
Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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From memory the IridiumGo only got launched in 2015 and overcame the expensive data issue by bringing with it an unlimited data subscription. It is still used but, as discussed in the PredictWind Webinar, it has been superseded by Starlink. We have retained ours as a tracking device and as an emergency Liferaft communicator but we only subscribe to the cheapest Iridium subscription to use it.

Iridium brought out the successor to the IridiumGo a year ago called the Iridium Exec with a data speed of 20x the IridiumGo. Obviously, this is still much slower than Starlink and the hardware cost is approx 3x Starlink. It will be great when we have a device and network to compete with Starlink.


Sandy.Herbert - 23 Nov 2024
Sandy.Herbert - 22 Nov 2024
Simon Currin - 21 Nov 2024
Sandy,No you do not import the Route into Windy. Use the Windy Hub App and it functions more like PredictWind.I have just recorded a webinar with PredictWind and will post the recording here tomorrow. It was more of a Q&A webinar.Simon

Thanks. I saw the webinar on the events list but I was too late to participate

I just listened to the webinar. Thanks for that. Very good. Predictwind sounds like a good system but the voices of cruisers was music to my ears
The Kiwis do some impressive stuff. I have a Vesper AIS. The help was brilliant though I haven't really needed much since I installed it. Sadly Vesper belongs to Garmin now.
I was surprised to hear people were still using Iridium Gos I have an Iridium phone I used during my circumnavigation between 2012 and 2017. Very slow and expensive. Some people were getting Gos. I was interested but something happened around 2013, 2014. Iridium stopped supporting it or maybe you couldn't get the software for Windows but whatever, suppliers stopped selling them and I never got one. I thought they had died long ago.

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Simon Currin - 23 Nov 2024

From memory the IridiumGo only got launched in 2015 and overcame the expensive data issue by bringing with it an unlimited data subscription. It is still used but, as discussed in the PredictWind Webinar, it has been superseded by Starlink. We have retained ours as a tracking device and as an emergency Liferaft communicator but we only subscribe to the cheapest Iridium subscription to use it.

Iridium brought out the successor to the IridiumGo a year ago called the Iridium Exec with a data speed of 20x the IridiumGo. Obviously, this is still much slower than Starlink and the hardware cost is approx 3x Starlink. It will be great when we have a device and network to compete with Starlink.


Sandy.Herbert - 23 Nov 2024
Sandy.Herbert - 22 Nov 2024
Simon Currin - 21 Nov 2024
Sandy,No you do not import the Route into Windy. Use the Windy Hub App and it functions more like PredictWind.I have just recorded a webinar with PredictWind and will post the recording here tomorrow. It was more of a Q&A webinar.Simon

Thanks. I saw the webinar on the events list but I was too late to participate

I just listened to the webinar. Thanks for that. Very good. Predictwind sounds like a good system but the voices of cruisers was music to my ears
The Kiwis do some impressive stuff. I have a Vesper AIS. The help was brilliant though I haven't really needed much since I installed it. Sadly Vesper belongs to Garmin now.
I was surprised to hear people were still using Iridium Gos I have an Iridium phone I used during my circumnavigation between 2012 and 2017. Very slow and expensive. Some people were getting Gos. I was interested but something happened around 2013, 2014. Iridium stopped supporting it or maybe you couldn't get the software for Windows but whatever, suppliers stopped selling them and I never got one. I thought they had died long ago.

I must have got my wires crossed with the GO.
Do you have enough experience with Starlink to comment on the coverage?
Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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Group: Administrators
Posts: 1K, Visits: 86

I’ve been using Starlink since October’ ‘22 and it has worked flawlessly and continuously between Annapolis and Tahiti. It also worked well for OCC boats in the North West Passage this summer although I think it struggles beyond 80 degrees north.


Sandy.Herbert - 24 Nov 2024
Simon Currin - 23 Nov 2024

From memory the IridiumGo only got launched in 2015 and overcame the expensive data issue by bringing with it an unlimited data subscription. It is still used but, as discussed in the PredictWind Webinar, it has been superseded by Starlink. We have retained ours as a tracking device and as an emergency Liferaft communicator but we only subscribe to the cheapest Iridium subscription to use it.

Iridium brought out the successor to the IridiumGo a year ago called the Iridium Exec with a data speed of 20x the IridiumGo. Obviously, this is still much slower than Starlink and the hardware cost is approx 3x Starlink. It will be great when we have a device and network to compete with Starlink.


Sandy.Herbert - 23 Nov 2024
Sandy.Herbert - 22 Nov 2024
Simon Currin - 21 Nov 2024
Sandy,No you do not import the Route into Windy. Use the Windy Hub App and it functions more like PredictWind.I have just recorded a webinar with PredictWind and will post the recording here tomorrow. It was more of a Q&A webinar.Simon

Thanks. I saw the webinar on the events list but I was too late to participate

I just listened to the webinar. Thanks for that. Very good. Predictwind sounds like a good system but the voices of cruisers was music to my ears
The Kiwis do some impressive stuff. I have a Vesper AIS. The help was brilliant though I haven't really needed much since I installed it. Sadly Vesper belongs to Garmin now.
I was surprised to hear people were still using Iridium Gos I have an Iridium phone I used during my circumnavigation between 2012 and 2017. Very slow and expensive. Some people were getting Gos. I was interested but something happened around 2013, 2014. Iridium stopped supporting it or maybe you couldn't get the software for Windows but whatever, suppliers stopped selling them and I never got one. I thought they had died long ago.

I must have got my wires crossed with the GO.
Do you have enough experience with Starlink to comment on the coverage?


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