Electronic alternatives to pyrotechnic signals

Daria Blackwell
Daria Blackwell
I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 811, Visits: 148
Laser flares and other electronic signalling devices have become available which may supercede pyrotechnic flares in the future. This article in Cruising World compares what is currently available. We know from personal experience that traditional flares are difficult to use and may fail as we conducted a "Flare Off" under the supervision of the USCG back in the states. We look forward to approval of alternative devices (but will keep the old ones on board just in case). Please share your experiences with signalling devices here.


Vice Commodore, OCC 

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