Ascencion from Cruising Information Community

George.Curtis2 (Past OCC Member)
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Ascension Island – 07°56.00'S, 14°22.00'W [Approximate] 1) Information Submitted by Loftus Peyton Jones - Cougar Ian Nicolson 2) Date 1988 & 1991 3) Harbour or Area Covered Include Lat & Long Ascension Island, UK. 07?56’S, 14?22’W. 4) Suitability and Attraction for Yachts This 34 sq. mile island is oval shaped and as it has no harbour or even useful inlets, it is not a convenient stopping place for yachts. The highest point is 2817 ft, so that it is visible from some distance. Clouds sometimes gather round the summit even when the sky is relatively cloudless, so this may help to spot it from a distance. Visiting the island by yachtsmen is discouraged because of the lack of a sheltered harbour and because there is a shortage of water and there are no facilities whatever. 5) Marinas, Berthing or Anchorage Georgetown, located on the NW corner is the main centre of population. It is small with a PO, a little supermarket, the police station and the Administrator’s office. The best anchorage seems to be inshore of the cluster of large mooring buoys in Clarence Bay, NE of the pier in about 6 fathoms and about ½ a cable from the offlying rocky islets almost on the line of the fixed leading lights on a bearing of 1400. One could possibly find less swell further in towards Long Beach but one would then be further away from the landing steps on the pier. The sole landing place on the island is the Georgetown pier. which has stone steps at one end. Ropes hang over the bottom steps from an overhead beam to assist anyone tryin to land from a boat because the swell seldom dies away and is often severe. 6) Entry Ports Georgetown7) Formal Requirements for Yachts Entering/Departing: a) from/to same countryb) from/to abroad Usual papersc) visa requirements8) Location/Existence of: a) harbour master On arrival report to the Administrator’s officeb) customs/immigration ditto c) health authorities ditto d) police ditto 9) Control of Foreign Yachts Because of the shortages and restrictions yachtsmen are normally only allowed to stay 2 days. 10) Attitude of Officials to Visiting Yachtsmen11) Repair/Hauling Facilities None, but ask the Wharfmaster12) Sailing Directions or Charts BA 4203. 13) Cruising Guide and where Obtainable. Include Phone and/or E-Mail RCC Pilotage Foundation’s Atlantic Islands’. 14) Port Radio Services Easy VHF communications with Ascension Island Radio. 15) Weather Forecasts From Ascension Island Radio, through whom Met reports may be obtained from the RAF.16) Yacht Club(S) None17) Other Facilities: drinking water Available from tap near pier fuel Through Wharfmaster gas (propane)/gaz chandlers bank Cheques backed by a bank card may be cashed at the Admin. office or at office of Ascension Island services in Georgetown. shops/market Reasonable range of dry stores & cheap liquor from NAAFI shop in Georgetown. Fresh vegetables & fruit are hard to come by although meat, bread & potatoes usually supplied. restaurants/hotels Cafeteria type restaurant at American base. No hotels, no pubs. post office/telephones including mobile facilities in Georgetown internet cafes best mailing address A good place to collect and dispatch mail. showers Primitive shower on pier head laundry transport/air services Transport by a regular RAF flight, but there are no ordinary civilian flights. No public transport or taxis. medical facilities/hospital Yes, good. 18) Recommendations or Warnings Fishing round the island can be excellent. Lines with various bright lures trolled at varying depths while travelling between 2 - 4 knots seems to be effective. 19) Other Information – please include here general impressions, opinions, comments or any other matter which might be of use to those visiting. The airport is on the SW corner of the island. It is operated by RAF and US Air Force personnel. the only other people on the island are government staff such as the police and PO employees, also BBC employees, Cable & Wireless people, satellite communications specialists and the families of all these people.

This information has been contributed by and is intended for use by competent amateur yachtsmen as general guidance solely to supplement research of their cruising plans.It has not been checked or verified by the OCC. The Information may be inaccurate or out of date and is NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION.


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