La Playita Marina, Panama City

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Group: Administrators
Posts: 101, Visits: 22
After an uneventful trip through the Canal we arrived to the well hidden Marina.
First impressions on arrival through the narrow and unlit, unmarked entrance, were good. This is a new Marina with power and water on the docks, which are wide and stable, with big dock cleats.
Security is via keycard to both enter and exit. The office is just at the top of the walkway and is heavily air conditioned.
That is the end of the good impressions. The fees are outrageous, twice those of Shelter Bay and that was more than Red Frog Beach. First night is US$150.00 plus water and electricity. Thereafter it's $2.00 per foot per night, minimum rate charged is 40 feet! For a 2 week stay our cost, 49 ft, is $1470.00 plus 7% tax. That is $1573.00 plus water and electricity.
The toilets are bad and the shower had no hot water.
There is a large chandlers and an ice cream shop next to the office. Restaurants, etc are a good walk away and Panama City is a taxi ride away. Albrook Mall is a 2 hour walk, so bus or taxi.

This would not be my favourite Marina by any measure, but the other marinas are either more expensive or for motor boats. There are mooring buoys at the Balboa Yacht Club, but I'm told that they cost $46.00 per night, presumably plus tax as well.

Hugh Pilsworth,

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