New (2017) Website Wish List

Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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I have set up this new thread in order to assemble everyone's wish list for future developments. A separate thread is to report bugs.

Appearance on this list doesn't guarantee that they will happen but they will be discussed.

Phase two and three are coming along in the later in the year anyway with geo-referenced cruising information and online shopping but we are starting to accumulate some feedback which we will need to consider when we begin the post sailing season web work. Luckily most of us are heading off for a summer of non web based adventures soon so there has to be an intermission!

Things that we already have on that discussion list include:

1. A site search function
2. A possible shift of Port Officer information to the Directories
3. Possible new links to "Forum" and "Join" pages so they can be accessed directly from the home page on hand held devices. Please note this already exists on lap top versions but the software removes clutter when rendering the page for display on smaller screens

4. The possibility of developing a bespoke parallel website to give optimal display on any screen size thus avoiding the above issues of rendering
5. More Add polling and slide show functionality to the Gallery pages
6. Rename the link to the Forum as "Forum" rather than "Cruising Forum" as this is known to have confused several.
7. Presently the small screen rendering process makes it impossible to add an a attachment to a Forum post

So discussion and ideas welcome. Please use this link as whilst away sailing I'm going to struggle to keep abreast of emails and I don't want things to be overlooked or missed.

Daria Blackwell
Daria Blackwell
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Thanks Simon. I find the navigation from the Members site when logged in confusing. The fact that you can't get to awards or the nominations form when logged in is not right. Only members can nominate but you can only get to awards from the open page. Also, there's no way to get to the Forum from the member's pages; I think that's a drawback for the Forum. You also cannot see the FF archive, etc. I would think the menu for members would add things not subtract them.

Vice Commodore, OCC 
Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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A suggetsion from Jeremy Firth in Tazmania:
"On another matter, if you get asked about minor improvements to the new website, it would be nice if the character font used for the data base lists (Members, Boats, New Members etc) was a little bolder. My 75 year old eyes find the characters quite faint. Otherwise, the new website is so much better"

edited by simoncurrin on 6/21/2017
Daria Blackwell
Daria Blackwell
I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)
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The queue system for the image gallery is a bit unwieldy. It asks what order you'd like the new photo to be in but if you make it #1, then all the others have to be changed manually. If you don't specify, new images are all uploaded as 0 but the oldest remain first. Wish list would be to have the new one show as the latest and have all others automatically renumbered.
edited by DariaBlackwell on 6/27/2017

Vice Commodore, OCC 
Daria Blackwell
Daria Blackwell
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It would be nice if the events added to the website were automatically sent out to the new FB page.

Vice Commodore, OCC 
George.Curtis2 (Past OCC Member)
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We may need to rethink the split of Flying fish between the Open and members Sites. Only the Open site shows FF articles by cruising area. This means that up to date articles by cruising areas are NOT available to members or non members, For instance in FF2016-2 To Brittany with OCC Help and Hospitality Ernie Godshalk page 151 appears in the FF by Articles list, but as one of the two most recent FF Volumes is not on the public site. If you search for related articles to France you get a message Europe W - France.
No online articles meeting these criteria.
So members planning to cruise in Brittany have no access to this article for the first year
I suggest that FF by single files by article are put on the open site - just keep the complete versions restricted to members only.
This move to some of the recent FF files to the public site would be well within the policy authorised by a vote of members at the 2014 AGM:

The following resolution was proposed by myself, seconded by Tony Singer and passed at the 2014 AGM. This action was taken to give instruction from the membership to the Board and Committee in an area where there had been disagreement within the Board and Committee.

"in order to implement the Club's founding objective of Fostering and Encouraging Ocean Cruising, it is agreed as Club Policy that, whereas the club should use its resources primarily for the benefit of its members, where the opportunity exists at zero or low cost to aid the wider world of ocean cruising, it should do so."


George.Curtis2 (Past OCC Member)
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Re the web input form to input FF single files per article:

I have to be able to link one FF Article to multiple cruising areas. I do not see the notation 'select another cruising area' on the example of the loading web page. Does this mean that I will have to submit multiple loading forms (i.e. one for each area) if one article is related to multiple cruising areas?

Is synopsis and are keyword obligatory or optional fields?

As a user, I find it difficult to follow someone else's logic in relating areas to regions. I got into this minefield on the CIC site and the only solution was a map supported by a flat alphabetical list of all Cruising Areas. Am I right this will all be map based in the autumn? Even so, the user may need a bit of help in the mean time in the form of an Areas in Regions table.

For instance, I spent some time trying to find Egypt in the Med. Med France is not there. Where is Germany? Could not find it in W Europe or Baltic, No sign of Belgium. Where is Panama? Several countries in Central America (incl Mexico, Niceragua, Costa Rica, Panama) span Atlantic (or Caribbean Sea?) and Pacific so perhaps there should be a Region 'Central America',

This should get better when the areas are displayed on a map but I wonder if the visitor needs an alphabetical decode list? There does not seem to be a site search engine other than for the forum. If there was, I would type in Panama hoping to find all Articles under the Panama heading.

I tried to create my own table to Cruising Areas to Regions but my system would not let me copy the drop down lists. I would find a master copy very useful.
Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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We need to add joining fee and membership fee structure to the development wish list -
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The Home Page when displayed on a computer includes on the left side links to How to Join, Forum Members. These links are not displayed when the Home page is viewed on a tablet or phone. The reader on a mobile device has to know that the three horizontal "hamburger" on the top right of the Home Page is a link to the Menu. Not all members in all counties are going to know this. I have seen a solution on other website. Display the word MENU beside the hamburger. The reader can more easily find his way to the How to Join and more. Cheers Tony
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Like the new forum and appreciate the effort it has taken but for those whose eyesight is no longer young I find it very difficult to read the print that is grey text on white, I have no trouble at all with the text below, I'm not the only one in difficulty with this?

best regards

Alan Franklin

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