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Many Cruising Guides have been reviewed in Flying Fish.
See the Public Site Menu, ‘Flying fish Archive’, use left hand drop down box to ‘Search Archive’ Type in “Review”. More recent reviews may be accessed via the Cruising Info map. See the Public Site Menu, Cruising Info Map, Zoom in to your area of interest. Follow the red markers. These will show all Flying Fish articles for that area including recent Book reviews.
For guides published by the Pilotage Foundation Google ‘Pilotage Foundation’, ‘Publications.’
The web based world wide Cruising Info sites include:
Noonsite Active Captain – new site opens on May 23rd Pilotage Foundation On line sites for specific area Boating in Japan Yacht Mr John, South Pacific Cruising Guide. Go West guide to Australia, Fiji, Vanuatu and New Caledonia Yellow Flag Guide: French Polynesia
Please add to this post any recommendations you have on printed guides or on line guides edited by George.Curtis on 4/23/2018
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Waggoner Cruising Guide. The 2018 Waggoner Cruising Guide includes the most comprehensive and up-to-date information from Olympia, WA to Ketchikan, AK. The 2018 edition, expanded by 16 pages, includes many new features and improvements throughout.” Editor and Publisher, Mark Bunzel, said “Our readers have told us they really enjoy the cruising tips and suggestions included in the front section of the guidebook. They learn a lot and find their cruising experience to be more enjoyable.” edited by Saltwhistle III on 4/25/2018
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The following guides were mentioned in Flying Fish 2014-2:
Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego Nautical Guide by Mariolina Rolfo and Giorgio Ardrizzi. ISBN 88-85986-34-X
RCC Pilotage Foundation CHILE : Arica Desert to Tierra del Fuego. Ian and Maggy Staples, Tony and Coryn Gooch. Updated by Andrew O’Grady. ISBN 978-0-8528-8721-9,
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This Pilot Guide was mentoined in Flying Fish 2014-2
South East Asia Pilot, published by Image Asia Events in 2009 (3rd edition). ISBN 978-9-7430-0555-8
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lso in Flying Fish 2014-2: Norwegian Cruising Guide by John Harries and Phyllis Nickel, OCC, available in both electronic and paper versions from
Daria Blackwell
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Free online cruising guides to the Caribbean:
Vice Commodore, OCC
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ARCTIC AND NORTHERN WATERS, including Faroe, Iceland and Greenland by Andrew Wilkes. Published by the RCC Pilotage Foundation / Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson Ltd.
Recommended in Flying Fish 2018-1 [font="Times New Roman"][/font]
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Charts and cruising guides - Norwegian Waters from Fling Fish 2014-1 Our favourite is the Norwegian Cruising Guide by John Harries and Phyllis Nickel, OCC, available in both electronic and paper versions from (Reviewed in Flying Fish 2010/2, and currently updated to May 2013). The Havneguiden harbour guides, with summaries in English, are complementary to the Norwegian Cruising Guide with diagrams and photos, particularly of natural harbours, including indications of where it is possible to tie up alongside. We also used Den Norske Los, which is only available in Norwegian but is very useful and comprehensive.
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Hi George, I wrote a few years back: 1. We used 3 cruising guides: Norwegian Cruising Guide by Nickel and Harries (lots of hiking/walking suggestions), RCC Norway by Lomax, and Havneguiden (can be downloaded with harbor pic s, diagrams and some English descriptions). They complement each other well. No one guide does it all. There are many duplicate harbor names so if you look up a harbor, make sure it is the one you want information about.
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Hi George, The Arctic and Northern Waters guide was quite helpful in our Atlantic crossing stopping at The Faroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland last season.