Norway - ports of entry?

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We depart for Norway tomorrow afternoon from the Fair Isle and are having a difficult time determining which ports are "ports of entry."

Our basic need is a place where our passports can be stamped with an "arrival into Schengen" stamp. As non-EU citizens, an entry stamp on our passports is de rigueur.

Would love to arrive in a place between Bergen and Stavanger, while avoiding busy, large places such as Bergen or Stavanger.

Some have suggested landing anywhere and just visiting the nearest police station... but is the average police station in Norway able to stamp a passport, and is the passport stamp the mandatory rectangle with rounded corners, the EU circle of stars, and the indication of "->" entry or "<-" exit? Any other passport stamp will not be considered valid by the French when we depart the EU 75 days later.

Thanks in advance,

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Hasbun - 7/19/2019

We depart for Norway tomorrow afternoon from the Fair Isle and are having a difficult time determining which ports are "ports of entry."

Our basic need is a place where our passports can be stamped with an "arrival into Schengen" stamp. As non-EU citizens, an entry stamp on our passports is de rigueur.

Would love to arrive in a place between Bergen and Stavanger, while avoiding busy, large places such as Bergen or Stavanger.

Some have suggested landing anywhere and just visiting the nearest police station... but is the average police station in Norway able to stamp a passport, and is the passport stamp the mandatory rectangle with rounded corners, the EU circle of stars, and the indication of "->" entry or "<-" exit? Any other passport stamp will not be considered valid by the French when we depart the EU 75 days later.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Hasbun,
We checked in twice to Norway, each time at a police station (Bergen and Kristiansund). I do not remember alternatives.  I do not remember getting stamped: I suspect not. If worried make sure you write all the details in your log book: it is an official document. We encountered no problems and we were subject to Schengen.
I would also consider asking to PO station to stamp a separate piece of paper with the PO's stamp and the particulars of arrival. 
My best, Dick Stevenson, s/v Alchemy
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Thank you Dick for your comments.

It turns out that the list of Ports of Entry is listed at the UDI at

There are two columns: Grenseovergangssteder and Anløpssteder. The clearing-in procedure at the latter is unclear. However, the procedure at the Grenseovergangssteder ports is straightforward:

One simply walks into the town's police station, also known as politikammer, and one's passport is quickly scanned into the computer and the passport is stamped in, no questions asked.

If one should ask the same policeman where is Customs, so one might check in, the answer is "no worries, if you have nothing to declare, you have completed your check-in procedure and are fully cleared into Norway." This was the answer two U.S. boats in two different ports, including ours, got in July 2019. A third U.S. boat in a third harbour was actually able to reach a Customs person, who said the same as above, and to download the "Toll" program (Norwegian customs app for iPhone), but the latter did not appear to be very useful at all.

It remains untested whether the process is the same at the Anløpssteder cited on the UDI webpage.

Thanks again,

Bill Balme
Bill Balme
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Hi Hasbun,

We're in Norway and my wife is a US citizen. We arrived just north of Stavanger and stayed a few nights anchored and then came down to Stavanger where we had to take a bus ride to the airport in order to get Laurie's passport stamped. At the airport they stamp it at the Police station upstairs. They were most impressed that we'd made the effort and tod us that we'd done exactly right - but that few people do! In our case we wanted documented proof that we were out of the UK - where Laurie was in danger of over staying her welcome!
If you follow this route, make sure you contact port officer Eoin - he can give you superb information about travelling on the bus system!

Have a good time in Norway - we're enjoying something of a heat wave right now - but it'll be short lived unfortunately!

Bill Balme
s/v Toodle-oo!

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Hello Bill, when we departed the Fair Isle, in the Shetlands, we did not yet know our point of entry into Norway.  It was just as we approached the coast that we completed the information circle and a decision was made to head into Haugesund, largely because the check-in over there does not require going to the airport but instead is done a few blocks away from the city docks.  It is unfortunate we did not get to exchange notes with you on a timely basis!  We then spent a few days in Stavanger at the anchorage in Gausel.  It is very unfortunate I missed your post here forum; I think we may have been at the Norsk Oljemuseum the day of your arrival to town, but we did not know any better.  From Stavanger we sailed to Lysebotn, where we enjoyed the Blinken Festivalen.  In total we spent four nights inside the small marina in Lysebotn, which is very well protected, and offers free water and electricity.  Departing Lysebotn, we anchored last night in the Hebragerg-holmen anchorage, just N of Stavanger, and Saturday morning departed for S Norway.  We intend to follow the coast on a SE direction until we reach Copenhaguen, stopping in interesting places.  Hopefully we'll yet get to meet you. Eoin Robson warmly reached out to us after we departed the Gausel anchorage, but alas! we never got to meet.  Best,
Geir Ove Bø
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Stavanger, Bergen, KrSand al have customs,  if you get into other places, dont try to find custom.  there is no control. just sail and enjoy our coastline. We live in Egersund,  and this is a nice small town, lokal sailing club runs the harbour, and you can ask any questions. and they will help. and if we are not out sailing. normally in July. then let me know.

Geir Ove Bø
Geir Ove Bø
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And on this page, you can download free info. on the hole coastline.  it is in Norwegian and english.  it is many books.   so enjoy.  Den Norske Los.  is the name.  or send me a mail and i can help you with more info. or. any quist you may have. belive my mail adr is under my name.


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