Draft Quarantine Protocol

Daria Blackwell
Daria Blackwell
I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 811, Visits: 148
RoRC Guy Chester has created a Draft Protocol for cruisers being required to quarantine and provide a written plan and documentation of compliance upon arrival in places like Fiji, NZ and Oz. Other countries are requiring cruisers to self-isolate. Below is Guy's proposed protocol and attached is a pdf of that protocol for your use. If you have suggestions or can provide input from other countries, please contact Guy directly.

Roving Rear Commodore Guy Chester
We are hoping Australia and New Zealand will provide cyclone refuge for yachts. As many know this is a work in progress. Quarantine will surely be a requirement as it is in Fiji now.
With Fiji's Blue Lane open, requiring quarantine aboard on arrival (taking into account sea time), and many folk having been quarantined aboard upon arrival in French Polynesia, the following has been prepared as an example protocol for yachts intending to make passage and then quarantine aboard their yachts.
There is no official approval for this yet, but we know New Zealand will require a self-isolation plan, and quarantine aboard procedures will be needed for Bundaberg. The following is a draft, suggested protocol for yachts to adopt. Updates will be provided based on fleet comments and official requirements as they evolve.
Ensure adequate provisions for the duration of the voyage, allowance for weather delays and for 14-day quarantine period including: Non-perishable foods (not subject to biosecurity import restrictions) for the quarantine period. Prescription medication. Fuel and cooking gas.
Ensure COVID PPE/sanitation provisions aboard: Masks for all crew for duration of quarantine period, Hand sanitiser, Surface disinfectant (e.g. bleach), Strong garbage bags or similar for sanitary waste disposal. 
Ensure thermometer is aboard for taking crew temperature.
Ensure all necessary clearance formalities are undertaken.
Nominate one crew member to be responsible for quarantine and self-isolation coordination aboard. Brief all crew on the isolation plan and techniques, including all these protocols, location of PPE and reporting/communications strategies aboard.
Make a plan for quarantine/self-isolation. This needs to include agreed points of delivery of contactless officials interactions, service providers and any sewage pump-out which maintains social distance of at least 2 m (e.g. officials interview standing on Q Dock near mast with crew remaining in cockpit, any document hand over contactless and social distance remains during process, any delivery of provisions to be onto aft deck, crew remain in cabin or at companionway until provider leaves etc.).
Maintain strict social isolation once clearance formalities completed
Set up suitable vessel tracking (e.g. GPS plotter tracking, online systems such as Iridium/Predict Wind, SPOT, Inreach, Yellow Brick etc.).
Review and understand biosecurity processes and procedures for destination country.
Clean hull of all biofouling.
Maintain strict social isolation once leaving departure port.
Crew members practice hand hygiene, cover coughs and sneezes and minimise touching the face at all times.
In the event of any interaction with anyone else (officials, safety personnel etc.) use PPE (masks) during such interaction, maintain distance between people of >2m, record details in the log. Understand that such interactions may “reset” the commencement of quarantine time required.
Establish contact log, include name and contact details for each and every person (including officials) for which there is any contact (including those that maintain social distance off the boat and any that must come aboard).
Monitor crew health daily recording any symptoms and crew temperature daily.
Ensure vessel tracking (e.g. GPS Plotter tracking, online systems such as Iridium/Predict Wind, SPOT, Inreach, Yellow Brick etc.) is functioning.
If a stop is required (e.g. in a safe harbour or remote reef anchorage), maintain strict social isolation, no-one aboard. Crew not to leave vessel, dinghy only to be launched in an emergency. Understand that such interactions may “reset” the commencement of quarantine time required.
Notification of officials – Report ETA e.g. >96hrs for Australia and 48 hours for NZ and at 12-mile limit.
Pump out sewage holding tank.
Immediately pre-arrival disinfect surfaces, ensure PPE is ready to hand.
Hoist Q Flag.
Proceed to Q dock.
Wear mask and use hand sanitiser prior to docking.
Use contactless processes as far as possible. If officials must board for inspections, maintain social distance.
Crew not to leave vessel unless instructed by an official or in an emergency.
Once allowed, relocate to quarantine aboard marina dock, mooring or approved anchorage.
Be prepared to submit to a health inspection and/or COVID test at any time.
Vessel to keep Q Flag hoisted.
Crew not to leave vessel unless instructed by an official or in an emergency. If in marina, Crew not to walk on dock; if on anchor or mooring, no swimming.
No visitors at all allowed aboard, lifelines or other “barrier fence” to be maintained at all times (keep side “gates” closed, and close transom with lifelines or similar).
Maintain contact log, include name and contact details for each and every person (including officials) for which there is any contact (including those that maintain social distance off the boat and any that must come aboard).
Monitor crew health daily recording any symptoms and crew temperature daily. Dinghy to remain aboard at all times.
Laundry to be undertaken aboard.
Use sewage holding tank for blackwater, if required, arrange pump out through marina or their nominated service provider using contactless technique and wear PPE.
Any required provisions to be supplied by marina or their nominated provider. Contactless acceptance of supplies aboard, crew to use PPE and keep minimum 2m distance at all times.
Disposal of garbage/sanitary waste to be double bagged and using contactless technique to nominated waste collection service (being aware of both plant/animal pest and disease biosecurity issues and COVID concerns).
Do not accept any contact with anybody (official, harbour or marina staff, provider) who is not wearing PPE and/or does not maintain social distance.
Maintain a listening watch on any nominated VHF channel and/or cellular phone as required.
Report presence aboard and crew health daily (or other frequency) as required.
In the event of any COVID symptoms, immediately contact Marina, Doctor or local clinic.
Be prepared to submit to a health inspection and/or COVID test at any time.

Vice Commodore, OCC 
New Member (25 reputation)New Member (25 reputation)New Member (25 reputation)New Member (25 reputation)New Member (25 reputation)New Member (25 reputation)New Member (25 reputation)New Member (25 reputation)New Member (25 reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13, Visits: 218
Daria Blackwell - 7/30/2020
RoRC Guy Chester has created a Draft Protocol for cruisers being required to quarantine and provide a written plan and documentation of compliance upon arrival in places like Fiji, NZ and Oz. Other countries are requiring cruisers to self-isolate. Below is Guy's proposed protocol and attached is a pdf of that protocol for your use. If you have suggestions or can provide input from other countries, please contact Guy directly.

Roving Rear Commodore Guy Chester
We are hoping Australia and New Zealand will provide cyclone refuge for yachts. As many know this is a work in progress. Quarantine will surely be a requirement as it is in Fiji now.
With Fiji's Blue Lane open, requiring quarantine aboard on arrival (taking into account sea time), and many folk having been quarantined aboard upon arrival in French Polynesia, the following has been prepared as an example protocol for yachts intending to make passage and then quarantine aboard their yachts.
There is no official approval for this yet, but we know New Zealand will require a self-isolation plan, and quarantine aboard procedures will be needed for Bundaberg. The following is a draft, suggested protocol for yachts to adopt. Updates will be provided based on fleet comments and official requirements as they evolve.
Ensure adequate provisions for the duration of the voyage, allowance for weather delays and for 14-day quarantine period including: Non-perishable foods (not subject to biosecurity import restrictions) for the quarantine period. Prescription medication. Fuel and cooking gas.
Ensure COVID PPE/sanitation provisions aboard: Masks for all crew for duration of quarantine period, Hand sanitiser, Surface disinfectant (e.g. bleach), Strong garbage bags or similar for sanitary waste disposal. 
Ensure thermometer is aboard for taking crew temperature.
Ensure all necessary clearance formalities are undertaken.
Nominate one crew member to be responsible for quarantine and self-isolation coordination aboard. Brief all crew on the isolation plan and techniques, including all these protocols, location of PPE and reporting/communications strategies aboard.
Make a plan for quarantine/self-isolation. This needs to include agreed points of delivery of contactless officials interactions, service providers and any sewage pump-out which maintains social distance of at least 2 m (e.g. officials interview standing on Q Dock near mast with crew remaining in cockpit, any document hand over contactless and social distance remains during process, any delivery of provisions to be onto aft deck, crew remain in cabin or at companionway until provider leaves etc.).
Maintain strict social isolation once clearance formalities completed
Set up suitable vessel tracking (e.g. GPS plotter tracking, online systems such as Iridium/Predict Wind, SPOT, Inreach, Yellow Brick etc.).
Review and understand biosecurity processes and procedures for destination country.
Clean hull of all biofouling.
Maintain strict social isolation once leaving departure port.
Crew members practice hand hygiene, cover coughs and sneezes and minimise touching the face at all times.
In the event of any interaction with anyone else (officials, safety personnel etc.) use PPE (masks) during such interaction, maintain distance between people of >2m, record details in the log. Understand that such interactions may “reset” the commencement of quarantine time required.
Establish contact log, include name and contact details for each and every person (including officials) for which there is any contact (including those that maintain social distance off the boat and any that must come aboard).
Monitor crew health daily recording any symptoms and crew temperature daily.
Ensure vessel tracking (e.g. GPS Plotter tracking, online systems such as Iridium/Predict Wind, SPOT, Inreach, Yellow Brick etc.) is functioning.
If a stop is required (e.g. in a safe harbour or remote reef anchorage), maintain strict social isolation, no-one aboard. Crew not to leave vessel, dinghy only to be launched in an emergency. Understand that such interactions may “reset” the commencement of quarantine time required.
Notification of officials – Report ETA e.g. >96hrs for Australia and 48 hours for NZ and at 12-mile limit.
Pump out sewage holding tank.
Immediately pre-arrival disinfect surfaces, ensure PPE is ready to hand.
Hoist Q Flag.
Proceed to Q dock.
Wear mask and use hand sanitiser prior to docking.
Use contactless processes as far as possible. If officials must board for inspections, maintain social distance.
Crew not to leave vessel unless instructed by an official or in an emergency.
Once allowed, relocate to quarantine aboard marina dock, mooring or approved anchorage.
Be prepared to submit to a health inspection and/or COVID test at any time.
Vessel to keep Q Flag hoisted.
Crew not to leave vessel unless instructed by an official or in an emergency. If in marina, Crew not to walk on dock; if on anchor or mooring, no swimming.
No visitors at all allowed aboard, lifelines or other “barrier fence” to be maintained at all times (keep side “gates” closed, and close transom with lifelines or similar).
Maintain contact log, include name and contact details for each and every person (including officials) for which there is any contact (including those that maintain social distance off the boat and any that must come aboard).
Monitor crew health daily recording any symptoms and crew temperature daily. Dinghy to remain aboard at all times.
Laundry to be undertaken aboard.
Use sewage holding tank for blackwater, if required, arrange pump out through marina or their nominated service provider using contactless technique and wear PPE.
Any required provisions to be supplied by marina or their nominated provider. Contactless acceptance of supplies aboard, crew to use PPE and keep minimum 2m distance at all times.
Disposal of garbage/sanitary waste to be double bagged and using contactless technique to nominated waste collection service (being aware of both plant/animal pest and disease biosecurity issues and COVID concerns).
Do not accept any contact with anybody (official, harbour or marina staff, provider) who is not wearing PPE and/or does not maintain social distance.
Maintain a listening watch on any nominated VHF channel and/or cellular phone as required.
Report presence aboard and crew health daily (or other frequency) as required.
In the event of any COVID symptoms, immediately contact Marina, Doctor or local clinic.
Be prepared to submit to a health inspection and/or COVID test at any time.

For those interested in a PDF version of the draft protocol, here is an attached file.

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