EU options for UK registered Boats. What are your plans?

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EU options for UK registered Boats. What are your plans?

Since UK is now out of the EU, we have to decide what to do, how to cruise, where to cruise. VAT elements and the new conformity legislation if we sell in the UK or EU.

Nearly every day we come up with a new plan! At present “Darramy” is ashore in Greece. We have gone through most scenarios (or have we)? Do we get back to the UK by 30th June 2022 to avoid the VAT (Returning Goods Relief). If, we stay in EU countries we are at present a union vessel, but if we leave a Schengen country would we be liable for VAT on re-entry into Europe.
We are now limited to 90 days in 180 to be in EU countries.
We could do 90 days in Europe then go to a non Schengen country for 90 days and return back to EU for another 90 days.
If we bought a property in the EU could we get residency that would allow us to stay in Europe for more than 90 days. ETC ETC.

We have pre Covid spent 15 years living on board with at least 9 months a year afloat, and would like to continue doing the same for the foreseeable future. (living in a house is very comfortable, but we would like to resume our cruising lifestyle, neighbours just don’t understand)!

These are some of the scenarios we are trying to work through, and I thought it would be useful to use the forum to see what other members in a similar position to ourselves are thinking of doing. And probably learning about other options we have not thought about as yet.

I am not really looking for advice about the legislation and restrictions, just thoughts of what like minded members are considering for the future to maximise the enjoyment of Cruising in Europe and or the UK.

Brian and Sue
S/V Darramy

Philip Heaton
Philip Heaton
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Minnie B was in Sicily on 31st December 2020 so EU Vat paid status; will cruise the Med until we want a change and if necessary do the Schengen Shuffle.
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Philip Heaton - 17 Jun 2021

Minnie B was in Sicily on 31st December 2020 so EU Vat paid status; will cruise the Med until we want a change and if necessary do the Schengen Shuffle.

Hi Brian and Sue,
I agree. Its difficult to decide what to do. I left my boat in a hurry in Antigua March before last and I am now planning to go out in the autumn to launch at the end of the hurricane season. Should I sail back to the U K to avoid V A T? but there again I would prefer to have the boat somewhere in the Med. I believe that the 90 days in 180days applies to Schengen countries rather than E U countries so maybe when the time limit is running out it might be best to head for Croatia or Montenegro. Turkey is another possibility.
Another complication is that I think a U K flagged boat (the boat itself) can only stay in the E U for 18months.
Maybe we should consult some American members of this club to see how they faired with time limited cruising and places they recommend to lay up.
I think the R Y A are monitoring the situation to see how individual countries apply the rules. Do please let us know what you decide.


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