ICW consultation - anchoring- Cruiser Input Needed

Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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Group: Administrators
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Florida Conducts Anchoring Survey, Cruiser Input Needed

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is conducting a 2 week survey on the state 's Anchoring and Mooring pilot program in an effort to gauge the success of the program. If you cruise in Florida, we urge you to make your views known.


In 2009 Florida enacted legislation that stopped local governments from restricting the anchoring of cruising boats. As part of that legislation, FWC created a pilot program that allowed 5 local governments to develop anchoring regulations outside their permitted mooring field, after consultation with the boating community and receiving FWC approval. Under current law, these pilot ordinances will all expire on July 1, 2014 unless the program is extended by the Florida Legislature.

We need active, responsible cruising boaters to help the state know what works and what doesn 't when it comes to anchoring in Florida.

Please take the survey now since it will help shape the future of anchoring policy in Florida. I encourage you to share this with your boating friends and clubs.

Margaret Podlich President, BoatU.S. GovtAffairs@BoatUS.com 703-461-2878 x8363 BoatUS.com/Gov

For an update on this and other government affairs topics please visit BoatUS.com/gov.

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