MOB Procedures

Daria Blackwell
Daria Blackwell
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Here is a really good blog post about man overboard procedures from Crystal Blues. Has anyone else established practices or had experiences we could all learn from?

Vice Commodore, OCC 
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Dear OCC members,
This is indeed interesting advice, and is aptly entitled: “Man Overboard- Improving the Odds”. It outlines a high tech method for an improving the odds approach that relies on multiple pieces of equipment working correctly and crew practiced in responding to the signals/alarms generated by this equipment.
Even with equipment advances, the best MOB advice I can give is to ensure that a MOB event does not occur. For offshore work, especially for couples, this is predicated on the belief that, if you fall overboard (untethered), you are (really really likely) dead. If you really believe this, you will operate on deck quite differently.
One way to drive this home is to do MOB drills. Take your preferred method of MOB retrieval and execute it in 15-20 knot breezes and commensurate seas. Use a cushion or, better yet (with help on board as backup in case things go pear shaped, your partner go overboard in a wet suit & life vest). I believe you will quickly discover that a successful MOB retrieval does occur, but that there is often a lot of luck necessary.
My best to all, Dick Stevenson, s/v Alchemy

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