Red Diesel

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Its not so much new legislation as enforcement of legislation thats been around at least 10 years. It should only be an inter EU spat but there have been anecdotal reports of non-EU yachtsmen having trouble in particular with the Belgians. This situation has developed over a number of years following agreements to 'harmonise ' tax regimes. Red or dyed fuel supposedly indicates that a reduced tax has been paid on it. Reduced tax fuel is not allowed for propulsion of leisure vessels/vehicles in the EU.

One problem is that white diesel is not easily available to UK yachtsmen. Most UK fuel docks have stored only red dyed fuel up to now, dont ask why it would take too long. This is a problem for non UK EU sailors as much as it is UK ones. In theory if they refuel in the UK with dyed fuel they run the risk of being fined on return to thier home country.

I think in your position, you should start retaining invoices for fuel onboard to demonstrate the purchase jurisdiction. I 'd leave worrying too much until later in the year, there is little experience with this changed regime in the UK at present. Ask again in the autumn, but you might get told that it would be advisable to have a couple if refills with white diesel before leaving home waters.

Actually, unless you plan something braver you 're probably going to come through the Azores. You will almost cerainly need a full refill when you get there unless you 're (un)lucky with the wind :ohmy: As the Azores are Portuguese/EU territory the diesel you get is white, so thats at least one refresh your tanks will get. btw, unless things have changed in the last 3 years you 'll need cash for fuel in Horta - they dont take credit for that.

Hope this helps :)
Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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It 's legal in the UK so you will just have to make sure you don 't stray across the Channel to Belgium!
Bill Balme
Bill Balme
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I understand there 's new legislation concerning the use of Red Diesel in Europe - which is causing the Brits a bit of a problem... Does it affect the Yanks too? As far as I know, all the diesel over here is red... Do we have to drain and re-fuel mid-Atlantic? :dry:

Appreciate any insights... since we 'll be heading thattaway next year...

Bill Balme
s/v Toodle-oo!


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