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George.Curtis2 (Past OCC Member)
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Port Louis & Grande Baie, Mauritius – 20°08.44'S, 57°28.47'E

SUBMITTED BY John & Pat Driscoll - Moonlight of Down

[color=#ff0000]This report was submitted in 1998. Use with CAUTION.[/color]

HARBOUR OR AREA COVERED (including Lat. and Long) Port Louis, Mauritius. 20°08’S 57°28’E (and Grand Baie).

SUITABILITY AND ATTRACTION FOR YACHTS Suitable stop over en route across the Indian Ocean. Essential for clearing in/out of Mauritius. Caudan Waterfront Yacht Basin is situated at a modern hotel/shopping complex close to the centre of town and makes an enjoyable contrast (for some) from the more remote anchorages of the Indian Ocean. Reasonable shopping, excellent vegetable/fruit/meat market and a good central point for touring the island. Grand Baie, 15 miles north, is a more low key place but is not an Entry Port.

MARINAS, BERTHING OR ANCHORAGE Initially tie up to Customs wharf for clearance. It appears possible to stay there but no services. Most yachts, if staying in Port Louis, use the Caudan Waterfront Yacht Basin, berthing alongside. Rafting may be necessary if busy. Water/Electricity available and charged separately to the mooring fee.


FORMAL REQUIREMENTS FOR YACHTS ENTERING/DEPARTING a) from/to same country Advise Customs Coast Guard when moving location the C.G. check papers on arrival at new port, i.e. Grand Baie. b) from/to abroad Call Port Louis Port Control on VHF Ch 16 on approach and again when berthed at Custom Quay. They advise authorities. Remain aboard until cleared by Port Health, C.G., Customs & Immigration. c) visa requirements No visas required by Commonwealth, EC & USA citizens.

LOCATION/EXISTENCE OF a) harbour master Port Control building in docks. Contact VHF Ch 16. b) customs/immigration Sub office on Customs Quay. Main office at Port Control. (Immigration in fish harbour for outward clearance. Main office at Line Barracks in town for extensions of stay. c) health authorities Unknown, they visit you. d) police HQ at Line Barracks, several Police stns around town.

CONTROL OF FOREIGN YACHTS Entry permits are for 2 weeks only. Normally extendible to 4 weeks. Seldom more than that.

ATTITUDE OF OFFICIALS TO VISITING YACHTSMEN Boarding Officers were courteous & helpful. However officials at the main immigration department, when an extension of stay was applied for, were less so.

REPAIR/HAULING FACILITIES Cramar Ltd (Marine Technical Services) Tel (230) 2116641, Mobile 423-7248 carry out mechanical & electrical repairs. Grand Riviera Marine, Grand Riviere Nord Ouest, adjacent to Port Louis has a slipway. Draft limitation 2 metres (No DIY). There is a sailmaker at Petite Riviere. Electrical/electronic repairs at D.A.Y. marine, 22, Mgr. Gonin St, Port Louis, Tel 211 1481.

SAILING DIRECTIONS OR CHARTS BA 689, 711 & 713. The approach to Port Louis is fairly simple in the buoyed channel. Don’t be confused by the new large container terminal to the north of the entrance. The Customs quay is in front of the small wooden colonial building at the end of the harbour immediately SW of the old conspic. Red brick Granary.

PORT RADIO SERVICES Port Louis Port Control VHF Ch 16, Working channels 14 & 17.

WEATHER FORECASTS Port Louis Harbour Radio at 0200/1400 U.T. on 4402.0 kHz (Ch 416)

YACHT CLUB(S) Grand Braie Y.C. 15 miles north of Port Louis. Cold beer, food, showers, laundry sinks & a jetty with fuel & water. Will take up to about 2 metres draft on the top of the tide.

OTHER FACILITIES - a) drinking water Caudan Waterfront Yacht Basin & G.B.Y.C. b) fuel Port Louis. No cruising yacht fuelling facility. For small amounts take cans by taxi to service station. Large amounts up to 1000 litres Cramar Ltd (Marine Technical services) will deliver by truck & pump to yacht at G.B.Y.C. c) gas (propane)/gaz/ EIG Gas, Marine Road Quay. Port area. (Contact Mr. Ameer Tel 240 8047). Will fill most bottles with butane (propane not available). d) chandlers Reportedly two in town. Not visited. Try D.A.Y. Marine, 22, Mgr Gorin St.. e) bank Many, most have ATMs accepting Visa/MC. f) shops/market Small supermarkets in town. (Winnars, Sir Calicourt Antalma St, behind Air Mauritius centre, is the closest and best). ‘Continent’ supermarket at Phoenix, a taxi or bus ride away is the largest, but it is more of a Caribbean standard than Australian. The island still functions mainly on markets and the Port Louis fruit/vegetable market is excellent as is the meat market (strong stomach required). g) restaurants/hotels Main restaurant & hotels of all styles & prices. h) post office/telephones PO opposite market. Many card/pay phones. Direct dialling access to ATT (73120) & BT (73440). i) best mailing address Not used j) showers Merchant Navy Club on Jummah Mosque St & G.B.Y.C. k) laundry In Port Louis, Mauritius Laundry (Tel 208 7971 - Mobile 499 1889) Collects and delivers. Well done, prices reasonable. l) transport/air services) Local buses good. Ferries to Reunion & Rodrigues. International Airport 1 hour away. m) hospital Good, free hospital treatment all through Mauritius. n) anything else Mauritius concentrates on an upmarket tourist industry (no charter flights or weekly cruise ships). The tourist hotels/restaurants have a high standard of service & cuisine for which the prices were considered reasonable for their grading. Three people sharing a chauffeur driven car for the day is the easiest/cheapest way of touring the island.

FIRST HAND RECOMMENDATIONS OR WARNINGS On the final approach to the Customs Quay note the 3 large black/white mooring buoys in front of the Caudan Waterfront as starboard hand marks. The area between the mooring buoys and the waterfront has a very shallow coral shelf (0.8m). Many yachts ground going direct from the Custom Quay to the Caudan Basin. Whilst there is considerable technical expertise available in Mauritius, one should be very careful about engaging firms to do technical work. Yachts are considered transient business & local business is given priority. This caused severe delays to several yachts (leaving them immobilised) during our stay.

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