Rodriguez from Cruising Information Community

George.Curtis2 (Past OCC Member)
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Flying Fish Articles

Mathurin Bay, Rodriguez Island 19°40 'S 63°25 'E, 1998,

1) Information Submitted by Bill Perkes - Sherpa Bill John & Pat Driscoll - Moonlight of Down

2) [color=#ff0000]Date 1993 & 1998 Please note the date and use with CAUTION[/color]

3) Harbour or Area Covered Include Lat & Long Mathurin Bay, Rodriguez 19°40’ S 63°25’ E

4) Suitability and Attraction for Yachts It is an unusual and out of the way stopover for a few days. Rodriguez island is the tenth province of Mauritius and lies about 340 miles to the east. The feeling ashore is that the other nine have first draw on available funds . Be that as it may , the principal and only town of Port Mathurin is a welcome refuge for those crossing the Indian ocean. The tourist industry has barely touched Rodriguez. but this is beginning to change. The fishermen still fish under sail with a superbly efficient lateen sail set well forward in their pirogues. A port of call that fits in well with the spirit of the O.C.C. It is not advisable to enter at night.

5) Marinas, Berthing or Anchorage Yachts normally anchor in the turning basin. Lying alongside the wharf is hazardous due to the overhanging facing, tidal range and swell. It is possible to lie alongside the western face of the boat jetty but it can get busy and you will be the island’s major attraction for your stay. Crewed boats are required to go alongside for clearance. Best to lay alongside the smaller of the tugs. Single handers often cleared at anchor.

6) Entry Ports Port Mathurin

7) Formal Requirements for Yachts Entering/Departing:

a) from/to same country Clearance in and out even if going to Mauritius

b) from/to abroad Call ‘Rodrigues Coast Guard’ VHF Ch 16 on approach. They will probably send out an RIB to escort you in. Health, CG, Customs & Immigration all board for clearance. Usual ship’s papers and last port clearance

c) visa requirements No visa required by Commonwealth, EC & USA citizens.

8) Location/Existence of:

a) harbour master All authorities aboard on arrival, Call on Ch 16

b) customs/immigration Customs offices very close to the wharf, Immigration at main Police stn in town.

c) health authorities Govt building adjacent jetty.

d) police In town

12) Sailing Directions or Charts See John Driscoll’s chartlet. (J012P) BA chart 715. The channel to the wharf and turning basin is now dredged to 9 metres. It is well marked.

17) Other Facilities:

drinking water Not available apart from bottled water. Non potable bathing/laundry water from tank by customs office.

fuel From a garage ashore

gas (propane)/gaz Refills not available. Exchange bottle service ex Mauritius

bank Several with ATMs accepting Visa/MC

shops/market Old fashioned style islands shops & stalls. Most basic goods available if you shop/ask around. Market on Sat morning 0500 - fruit, vegetables & meat

restaurants/hotels One hotel in town & several beach resort hotels. Several restaurants in town, their main clientele is local.

showers Nil

laundry Nil. Can arrange for local family to do it.

transport/air services Local buses good. Approx weekly ferry to Mauritius. 2 flights daily (ATR) to Mauritius. Not good for a crew change

medical facilities/hospital Yes, but try & wait until Mauritius

18) Recommendations or Warnings a) Unless anchored in the NW corner of the turning basin it is often necessary to move whilst the ferry ‘Mauritius Pride’ (4000 tons) arrives/departs. The C.G. will advise yachts if they are required to move. b) Drinking water is a problem. It is not recommended for visitors to drink local water due to the catchments being contaminated by heavy animal grazing. Locals both boil & filter all their drinking water. Conserve your Darwin/Cocos water for drinking and use local water for washing. c) James Waterstone, who has kept a pictorial record of all yachts visiting since 1979 (have photo available for him), like to take visiting yacht crews on bus/walking tours. d) A weekday bus trip to Point Coton, then a swim and lunch at the Coton Bay Hotel, makes a pleasant day out. Buses are very busy Saturdays and erratic on Sundays/holidays.

19) Other Information – please include here general impressions, opinions, comments or any other matter which might be of use to those visiting. The tour companies run expeditions to the caves on the SW end of Island. Take really good torches with you. The caves are a bus ride across to the other side of the island Unguided access is not allowed.

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