Update from Sea Mercy in the Lau Group

Daria Blackwell
Daria Blackwell
I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 811, Visits: 148
Attached is an article by Jonathan Robinson summarizing Sea Mercy 's work in the Lau Group after Cyclone Winston. Following is a note from Jonathan:

Seven months after Cyclone Winston hit Fiji and with a little over six weeks to the start of the next cyclone season, I am wrapping up Sea Mercy 's recovery efforts in Northern Lau for this year. Next week will see our final aid delivery, 3000 linear feet of donated roofing iron, which will complete our water catchment system rebuilding projects.

Sea Mercy 's Floating Healthcare vessel, SEA ANGEL, also completes her final medical rotation there at the end of this month.

The response from the cruising community has been absolutely tremendous, due in no small part to your publicity. We all really appreciate your help, thank you so much.

Nancy has updated her Sea Mercy blogspot with my summary of our efforts. I believe it maybe of interest to the OCC and possibly, a wider readership:


Yours aye,

Jonathan Robinson
Sea Mercy Coordinator

Somo Somo Strait, Fiji


Vice Commodore, OCC 
LauArticle1.pdf (526 views, 1.00 MB)
Daria Blackwell
Daria Blackwell
I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 811, Visits: 148
Thank you!

For the third year in a row the generosity, teamwork and power of the international community (you) was been displayed in the South Pacific through Sea Mercy’s Disaster Response & Recovery work on the remote islands of Fiji (following Cyclone Winston). It also was demonstrated through our ongoing Floating Health Care Clinic programs for the ‘at risk’ remote islands of Fiji and Tonga. Although our programs continue to mature each year as we learn from the last one, it is your support of our remote island programs that has made the difference for the tens of thousands living there. Thank you.

Below are links to two videos about the impact your donation made during Sea Mercy’s 2016 programs:
Disaster Response & Recovery
Floating Health Care Clinic

Even as the 2016 season winds down (cyclone season) we are already preparing and planning for 2017 and would like to invite you to join us and help support these much-needed programs.

Taking the initiative in the South Pacific

Although our programs are making great strides on the remote islands, the increasing number and devastation caused by cyclones has made it impossible for our island nation governments to keep up with the growing health, education, disaster and economic development needs there. If we do not become more proactive, instead of reactive, the survival of the remote island people and culture will be lost. In 2017, we launching our Sea Bridge for the South Pacific initiative to address the above four pillar remote island needs. Like the support received for this year’s disaster response efforts, we have found that “a little from many” can be more powerful than “a lot from a few” when it comes to funding such programs.

Other programs making a difference

[li]Floating Health Care Clinic (FHCC) program – Our 5th year of providing free health care to the remote islands. Come join us![/li]
[li]Disaster Response (First Response Fleet) – Being prepared for the next disaster in the South Pacific, not reacting to one.[/li]
[li]Give Sight & Light program – Giving private vessels a way to make a difference everywhere they sail.[/li]
[li]Economic Development program – Assist in the rebuilding and restoring of the devastated and ‘at risk’ remote islands.[/li]

Thank you again for your support, your heart for the people of the South Pacific, and for your belief in Sea Mercy. Contact me if you have any questions or suggestions on how to improve our programs.

All the best to you.

Richard Hackett
President & Founder
Sea Mercy
Follow us on Facebook!

Vice Commodore, OCC 

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