Radio Nets update Sept 2016

Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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Radio Nets

Updated by Frances Rennie on 25 September 2016
(Please note that the Facebook posting is always the most current as members tend to post notices with updates there.)

OCC Nets

OCC Caribbean SSB Radio Net 2015 - 2016

The OCC Caribbean radio net will be in operation again this winter from December to April as a minimum. This is not a HAM net so anyone with a SSB radio can join in. Getting the net started in December requires some persistence by the net controller to recruit contributors, so please listen and call until we establish a workable group after which it is self-sustaining.

0730 local time (1130 GMT) on most days usually Monday-Saturday on 6227kHz USB.

John & Christine Little have handed over to Simon & Hilda Julien aboard 'Barisa ' who intend to carry on the Net.

e-mail -

OCC members if you are operating a Net that is not listed then please add the relevant information to the document on the Facebook page.

Other Nets

Please note that we cannot guarantee radio frequencies or times of the following:

Indian Ocean

Jupiter Net - 8297 USB at 1235 UTC (2015 fleet of vessels crossing IO, time will shift)

South East Asia


Weather for SW Pacific Islands, NZ and Australia -- Gulf Harbour Radio 8752kHz 1915 UTC detailed weather at 1930 UTC

SW Pacific – 8191kHz at0800 NZ Time

SW Pacific -- Magnet Net - 8122kHz at 1900UTC and 0430 UTC for boats underway west of Bora Bora

Rag of the Air – 8173kHz at 1900Z (7am or 8am local time in Tonga/Fiji/Samoa/NZ)

Namba Net covering New Caledonia/Vanuatu 8101 at 8.15am Vanuatu time (May – October)

Southern Cross -- 8191kHz at 2015 UTC Daily for people taking part Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu, New Cal to Torres

Vanuatu Net - 8230kHz USB daily 2030UTC May - October. Eric & Anne Simmons, s/y reflection

Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu, Kaipara, Bret – 6516MHz at 1800-1900 NZDT and 4417MHz at 1900-1930 NZDT

Panama/Pacific Net –8147/8137 kHz at 1400 UTC


Med Net – 6516kHz or 8131kHz/kHz on Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 0530 UTC

Dragnet – 6516kHz at 0600UTC

Local Cruisers Net, Maramis Turkey – VHF69 at 0900 local time Monday – Saturday

Navigators Net, Lagos, Portugal – VHF09 at 0930 Local time Monday and Friday


Around Europe - 8297kHz at 08.15 UTC German speaking but happy to speak english if you join in.


Cruiseheimers Net – 8152USB at 0830 EST during summer and alternates with 8146 and 8164.
During Winter 6516 USB alternating with 6224, 6227 and 6230.

Doo-dah Net – 8152 USBat 1700 daily for taking passage reports.

Coconut Telegraph –8170 USB at 1200 UTC

Panama Net – 8107/8167USB at 1330 UTC

NW Caribbean –6209/6212 at 1400 UTC

Local Cruisers Net Curacao - 07.45 Monday - Saturday VHF 72

Ham Nets

European Maritime Mobile Net – 14297 kHz at 1900 UTC

UK Maritime Mobile Net -- 14303 kHz at 0800 and 1800 UTC

Trans Atlantic Net – 21400kHz at 1300 UTC

US Maritime Service Net -- 14300 USB

South African Maritime Mobile Net - 14316 USB sometimes switching to 7120 USB - 0630 UTC (Sam the net controller is happy to communicate with non hams via email

Caribbean Maritime Mobile - 7.250MHz Mon-Sat 1100 GMT weather at 1115 (informal net now that George in the USVIs has sadly passed away)

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