
David Tyler
David Tyler
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Weaverbird is at anchor in Airds Bay, Loch Etive, having come up through the Falls of Lora, under Connel Bridge, under sail(!). (If you want to try this, you'll need an air draught less than 15m).
Tomorrow, I'll see about sailing to the head of the loch to climb Stob Dubh (a Corbett).
David Tyler
David Tyler
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I'm in Acairsaid Drisaig, Tanera Mor, Summer Isles. One of my favourite anchorages, and a place that I make for if it's going to blow. Which it's not, today, for a change!! The weather in W Scotland has been dismal this summer, and I think this is going to be my furthest north. Appropriate, anyway, midsummer's day in the Summer Isles.
Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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Yes David our Outer Hebrides kayak trip got blown out too last week. On Monday and Tuesday though we did enjoy a great 36 hour weather window for a trip out to the Garvellachs and back.

[quote=David Tyler]I'm in Acairsaid Drisaig, Tanera Mor, Summer Isles. One of my favourite anchorages, and a place that I make for if it's going to blow. Which it's not, today, for a change!! The weather in W Scotland has been dismal this summer, and I think this is going to be my furthest north. Appropriate, anyway, midsummer's day in the Summer Isles.[/quote]

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