Would appreciate thoughts as to viability of this proposed route for 2014...
Toodle-oo! is currently in Whitehaven and we are planning to attend the Baltic Rally - reaching Bornholm, Denmark around June 10th...
We want to see as much of Scotland as we can - but with the early start of the Baltic Rally, it 's getting rather challenging. Is this a viable route with sufficient time in each spot to be able to enjoy and not feel too rushed?
Whitehaven: Depart May 4
Islay: Arr May 6 Stay 5 days
Tiree: Arr May 12 Stay 3 days
Skye: Arr May 16 Stay 5 days
Stornaway: Arr May 22 Stay 5 days
Shetland: Arr May 29 Stay 5 days
Copenhagen: Arr June 9
Bornholm: Arr June 10
Appreciate any thoughts you might have. I know we 're not doing Scotland any justice - but maybe the taste will convince the Downstairs skipper that a 2015 cruise into Scotland should be planned!
(I don 't suppose anyone is planning a similar route/timing and would like to tag along?)
Bill Balme
s/v Toodle-oo!