OCC Weather and Ice Routing Project

Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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Group: Administrators
Posts: 1K, Visits: 86
Following a recent survey of members the OCC is setting up a network of shore based members with access to internet ice and weather information to advise cruising members who inevitably have more limited access to such information. This will be a purely voluntary arrangement but it hoped that all parties will enjoy and benefit from the process.

If you would like to register, either as a shore based advisor or as a cruising recipient of advice, then please do so here by replying to this topic. For those new to the Forum you will need to log on to reply and I suggest you tick the box "Notify me when a reply is posted". I will post my own reply below as I am delighted to say that Peter Craig-Wood has agreed to route Shimshal across the Davis Strait in summer 2018.

We don't want to make this overly bureaucratic but it wold be prudent for all parties to declare when registering that the advice being offered is give in good faith, free of charge and with no liability attached. Similarly the cruising recipient should declare that they understand that the advice on offer is not a professional service and that the skipper has final responsibility for how the advice is applied. The OCC has no responsibility for the accuracy of any forecasts and information and it's only role is to introduce the advisor to the skipper. I will create a downloadable PDF to attach to this post with a fuller disclaimer which can be used to try protect all parties.

I really hope this new arrangement works well and allows all participants, cruising and shore based to enjoy each others experiences and adventures. This project is only available to OCC Members.

edited by simoncurrin on 11/27/2017

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