Live-aboard Communities in UK

Bill Balme
Bill Balme
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Posts: 269, Visits: 1K
Are there any reasonable live-aboard communities in the UK - southern UK would be nice (last year Whitehaven was a little chilly!). 

I've heard Ipswich may be reasonable - but was thinking more down towards Falmouth??

Appreciate any insights...


Bill Balme
s/v Toodle-oo!

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Bill Balme - 6/15/2019
Are there any reasonable live-aboard communities in the UK - southern UK would be nice (last year Whitehaven was a little chilly!). 

I've heard Ipswich may be reasonable - but was thinking more down towards Falmouth??

Appreciate any insights...


Hi Bill,
Friends have over-wintered, living aboard, in Ipswich and did so for a couple of years. I believe they have a small community most winters. We over-wintered in London at St. Katherine Docks for 3 winters and loved it and still have friends there. It varies in community size. Not sure about Falmouth, but I have friends who live there and would know. I have not heard of other possibilities.
My best, Dick Stevenson, s/v Alchemy

Stephen Foot
Stephen Foot
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I am not sure if we are posting this in the right place, but we are looking for House sitters from 15th January- 4 th March. Country farmhouse walking distance to large pretty village of Overton Hampshire, and direct train 50 mins to central London, 40 minutes to south coast. 2 friendly yellow labradors to care for. Please contact for further details.

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