Sailing to Buenos Aires, Argentina or Uruguay

Omar Sanchez
Omar Sanchez
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Sailing to Buenos Aires, general data:

When you sail Argentine water you need one daily report to the Argentine Coastguard,this apply also when you sail between foreign ports, for example Uruguy toChile, see below, Daily Position Reports

If you sail from the north you will go through Uruguay (UY) waters, so it is a good timeto refresh certain UY regulations:if you are going to enter a port, you must notify the Coastguard by VHF atleast 30 minutes before entering, and when the mooring maneuvers are completedit is recommended to give the OK by VHF to the Coastguard. When navigating in UY waters you must inform them by VHF each time you passes through aport, the same when you have a delay in your ETA to the next port.

In a case of arriving with problems and needing a tug, the boat will beinspected by the UY Coastguard, just like when the damage is repaired.According to the port,  this may have ahigh charge rate and need time. It is common to declare that your Diesel has finishesa cause of needing a tug. Uruguay, in addition to the Coastguard service, hasan excellent rescue and tug service manned by volunteers: ADES Uruguay,

Beforedeparture UY Coastguard does not allow a departure with winds over 20 knots, or if theforecast anticipates such for the next few hours. Therefore if a good wind iscoming, you have to set sail before the port closes.

The day ofthe departure in UY: in a few cases the participation of the customs is required , the firststep is immigrations, this service has a small fee and according to the portyou can only pay with local money. Then you must pay for the port services inthe hydrographic office, who accepts credit cards. With the payment ticket, youmust then go to the Coastguard and complete the departure form. The localregulations say that you must have a qualifying nautical credential that has notexpired, and a certified list of the safety elements of the boat, a "SafetyCertificate", usually with the safety element card of the life raft issufficient. See:

They may require some unexpired pyrotechnics and a unexpired fire extinguisher. Once you start the engines on boat you must call the Coastguard to ask for the departure clearance before releasing your moorings. Failure to do so is a serious fault and may delaya few hours. When leaving the port, you again have to give an OK to the Coastguard.

Uruguay has several tax discounts when paying with a foreign credit card. In some ports there is a foreign ship supply service, with very low taxes, especially all electronic,mechanical, etc. For repairs Piriápolis is the best option, with a good travelift,drydock, painting, mechanics, etc. For large works on sails should be sent or requested to Buenos Aires. 

Buenos AiresGeneralNotes:

Buenos Aires is a great city and has everything. History, culture, architecture, museums, Tango, Malbec, a great gastronomy and dulce de leche. The city has few nautical businesses, but to the north and a few kilometers away is the historic nautical area. There are all the nautical services: sailmakers, rigging, mechanics, electronics,painting, etc. For small and medium repairs it is easy to take the parts using the very good train service.  For major repairs you would have to move the boat to the north, and the crossing has certain limitations with depth so sometimes you have to wait for the righttide. Here it is not the astronomical tide that is critical, but the winds ofthe N and S-SE which make the level of the river go down or rise a lot.

Buenos Aires city offers two excellent dock alternatives for cruisers. Both are in front of the comercial port, and a few blocks from the downtown and government house where you go to complete the bureaucracy. Yacht ClubArgentino and Yacht Club PuertoMadero.

Upon arrival and after completed the club papers the first step is to go inmigrations,1 km away,  inside the tourist cruise terminal. The neighborhood is not the best, so you should take a taxi. The nextstep is the Prefecture (Coastguard) 50 meters from immigrations. You finish in customs, within the ferry terminal (Buquebus) to Uruguay, located 100 meters from both clubs.

The rest of the nautical community is located in the north zone: San Isidro, San Fernando and Tigre.  Many friendly services and clubs.

In the port of Buenos Aires:Several supermarkets and rotiseries nearby. The entire shopping center is only afew blocks away.

The public health service isfree and of good quality. There are many private hospitals of international level.

Among the must-sees: the Colóntheatrer (opera), the Recoleta cemetery, the Sundayfair in the neighborhood of San Telmo (tango andantiquities), the cultural center in front of Puerto Madero which offers tango classes, tango recitals and free classicalmusic and is only a few minutes from the port.

There is so much to see that many cruise passengers then return by plane to complete the tour. One goodoption for cruisers is the touristic bus:Open-top buses, Audio guide available in 10 languages, website

On the other hand the city offers a very good network of subways, buses, short and medium distance trainsand frequent flights to most of the capitals of countries.

Buenos Aires port area, Mooring options in the city:

Yacht Club Argentino 34°35.741'S, 058°21.718'W

Thisis a historical yacht club situated in Dársena Norte in the port of BuenosAires. Has a clubhouse, moorings, and some services.  It provides 2 days free mooring for visitors.It is he best place to stop when clearing into Buenos Aires. The club has ayellow floating barrier in the mouse, Call YCA on Ch 16 or 78 USA on arrival to seek admission. Website:  - ; Tel: +54 114 3140505;  Dàrsena Norte - Capital Federal ,Buenos Aires, Argentina - Office hours: Monday – Friday 11 – 19

Yacht Club Puerto Madero: YC Puerto Madero is a commercial marina situated in the old Puerto Madero dock area. It is a 250berth marina with average of 6m depth inside a commercial area, and place for catamarans. There is a safe ATM in front. Website :  -  - Tel: +54 (11) 4313-8008, VHF Channel 71 -Dique 4, Puerto Madero,  Capital Federal Argentina. To access the YCPM you must request the opening of the bridge, which opens every two hours from 07 Hs to 23 Hs. It is requested by Phone the club or by VHF 71, at least 30 minutes in advance. Before acces to the dock you must shaw the boat and insurance paper.

Local cruising guides and charts: Books and charts,  Instituto de Publicaciones Navales, 1 km from the port. Web:  - All the rest are in the north area.

Buenos Aires port area:

Other useful information specific to this area:

Tap water is potable and of good quality. Electricity 200 V 50 Hz. The yellow fever vaccine is not necessary. From Buenos Aires several km to the north in the summer there are isolated cases of Dengue. ATMs do not give much money and have a rate of about 10 dollars for each use, so it is better to come with cash !!, the exchange rate is always very favorable. Many shopps and services accept Dollars, very few Euros.

Daily Position Reports in Argentina waters:

Everyboat must check in on a daily basis with the Argentine Coastguard by apre-agreed method (E-mail, satellite phone, SSB or VHF frequency) while sailing between Argentine ports. Get a written contact sheet and log your attempts tocall to avoid being detained and possible fines by the coastguard on arrival atyour destination.

Dependingon your position, reports should be made to:

MAR DEL PLATA (L2T) - Between Lat. south 35 º50 and and Lat. 42 º 00 'south - VHF C/ 9-16 - SSB : Frequency 4354 KHZ (24 hs)- Frequency 8713 y 2065 KHZ (alternative) Hours 05.00 - 13.00 y 21.00 - email:

COMODORO RIVADAVIA (L3A) - Between Lat. 42 º 00'south and Lat. 54 º 30 'south - VHF C/ 9-16 - SSB : Frequency 4134 KHZ (24 hs)- Frequency 8710 y 2065 KHZ (alternative) Hours 07.00 - 14.00 - email:

Ushuaia (L3O) - South of Parallel  Lat. 54 º 30 'south  - VHF C / 9-16 - SSB: Daytime frequency 4354KHZ - Frequency night. 2065 KHZ - email.


Argentina Holidays

January 1 - New Year's Day -

March 24 - Day of Remembrancefor Truth and Justice

2 April - Malvinas Day -

25 May - Day of the FirstNational Government

June 17 - Anniversary of thedeath of Martín Miguel de Güemes

June 20 - National Flag Day -July 9 - Independence Day

August 17 - Anniversary of thedeath of J. de San Martin -

October 12 - Day of Respectfor Cultural Diversity

November 20 - Day of NationalSovereignty -

December 25- Christmas

December 31 - New Year's Eve

Omar Sánchez, Wetdoc
Buenos Aires POR
Welcome to the Paradise !!

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