Stone Circles and Minoan Navigation

John Franklin
John Franklin
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dickdeg - 7/5/2020
As an OCC member and American sailing captain/navigator I have had a long-standing belief that Bronze Age navigators - particularly the Minoans- used stone circles as a means to aid with navigation at sea. I believe many stone circles were used for navigation purposes in addition to well researched funerary and ceremonial functions.  I believe that Stonehenge was established as the Bronze Age Prime Meridian and annual calendar and that Stonehenge astronomers and Minoan navigators created sun deviation tables which were used for latitude noon sights aboard Bronze Age sailing vessels at sea. In addition the Minoan navigators used stone circles -such as Callanish on the isle of Lewis in the Hebrides- as a land-fall destination on their way back from the Lake Superior copper mines. The stone circles were also used to establish their own latitude so they Minoan navigator/traders could sail the latitude and find the circles from sea.  

I have been researching the subject of Bronze Age, Minoan navigator and stone circles, including Stonehenge, for the past several years.  As a result I have created a  22,000 word research paper/book on the subject. I would b e delighted to forward the manuscript to any OCC member interested in the subject. 
Dick de Grasse
Islesboro, Maine USA
207 734 6948    

I am sure the Royal Institute of Navigation would be interested in publishing an article on the subject. I can give you an introduction if you wish. I'd also like to read the manuscript.
John Franklin

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Posts: 4, Visits: 1
As an OCC member and American sailing captain/navigator I have had a long-standing belief that Bronze Age navigators - particularly the Minoans- used stone circles as a means to aid with navigation at sea. I believe many stone circles were used for navigation purposes in addition to well researched funerary and ceremonial functions.  I believe that Stonehenge was established as the Bronze Age Prime Meridian and annual calendar and that Stonehenge astronomers and Minoan navigators created sun deviation tables which were used for latitude noon sights aboard Bronze Age sailing vessels at sea. In addition the Minoan navigators used stone circles -such as Callanish on the isle of Lewis in the Hebrides- as a land-fall destination on their way back from the Lake Superior copper mines. The stone circles were also used to establish their own latitude so they Minoan navigator/traders could sail the latitude and find the circles from sea.  

I have been researching the subject of Bronze Age, Minoan navigator and stone circles, including Stonehenge, for the past several years.  As a result I have created a  22,000 word research paper/book on the subject. I would b e delighted to forward the manuscript to any OCC member interested in the subject. 
Dick de Grasse
Islesboro, Maine USA
207 734 6948    

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