Belize -COVID NEWS 12Th Feb 2021

Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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Here is the SevenNews report from last night.:

Borders Open For Yachts

And in these pandemic times while many ceremonies remain virtual that's not the case for Belizean vacations.

It's been months since we welcomed back visitors from the friendly skies and yesterday Cabinet re-opened our waters to those who travel by yacht.

We got more details on this new development from Port Commissioner Gilbert Swaso.

Major H. Gilbert Swaso - Belize Ports Commissioner
"As you may be aware that only cargo vessels up until the cabinet decided to open the borders for the non-commercial private vessels. So, since we got that approval from cabinet, we deemed it important that we have a quantitated approach in relation to the handling, particularly the boarding and clearance of these vessels when they come into Belize. So hence the reason why those protocols for the boarding were sent out with a view then that every vessel dealing now specifically to these private yachts must engage a shipping agent and they shipping be the one to forward to port authority and the other respective departments that are involved with boarding. The notice of arrival and any other requirements that are deemed necessary. We firmly believe that following health tourism, you may be aware of the fact that 50% of the vessels that are arriving in Belize particularly as it relates to passengers. The private yachts have less personnel onboard so the footprint on the destination will not be as large in comparison to a cruise ship but it is also indicating that by and large the revenue that will be spent in Belize will certainly be more than what the average cruise tourism would have spent. And that's across the board for the respective, for service providers and then you have shipping agents who will also be benefiting, so there is a lot of people from the maritime sector who will benefit, and there will be the private citizens who have services within the respective areas and destination that you will be visiting that will also benefit from this venture that is done by the ministry and the cabinet."

I will discuss this item today with Nicole Longsworth of Caribbean Shipping who, among several shipping agencies are
generally recognized as being well"switched on" to tourism issues. While they handle major cruise lines they have expressed
interest (to me) in assisting the needs of the visiting yachting community under the emerging requirements.

While there are several shipping agencies in Belize this would give members a jump start in planning for Belize.

Caribbean Shipping Agencies, Ltd.
Cromwell House
117 Albert Street
P.O. Box 352
Belize City, Belize

Tel.: +501-227-5444 / 5443 / 3015
Fax.: +501-227-7681


1. Stanley D. Longsworth Jr., CEO & Director of Operations
Mobile: +501-610-4363

2. Nicola Longsworth, Cruise Operations Manager
Mobile: +501-610-6425

All yachts may utilize VHF channel 16 to make contact with the Belize Port Authority.

Comments, questions welcome.

All good wishes,

Paul Hunt
Belize City
+501 610 0959

Belize City.

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