Graciosa, Cais da Barra

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The outer wall of the new marina in Cais da Barra is now constructed but it is unlikely that there will be any pontoons placed there in time for the 2022 cruising season.  It is feasible to anchor within the encircling wall.

Care should be taken on entry as there can be some cross currents.  Entry should not be attempted in any strong winds or swell with an easterly or south-easterly component as there can be considerable turbulence at the entrance.

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linandy - 6 Mar 2022
The outer wall of the new marina in Cais da Barra is now constructed but it is unlikely that there will be any pontoons placed there in time for the 2022 cruising season.  It is feasible to anchor within the encircling wall.

Care should be taken on entry as there can be some cross currents.  Entry should not be attempted in any strong winds or swell with an easterly or south-easterly component as there can be considerable turbulence at the entrance.

Hi Linandy,
Graciosa is, indeed, a wonderful place to visit.
We anchored out many years ago (pre-breakwater in 2006), but needed to choose carefully where we anchored (and then dove on our anchor) as the bottom is flat sand littered with boulders the size of VW bugs. The danger is that in the shifting currents and swells, you get your chain (not a place for nylon rode) wrapped around one of these boulders and end up short-scoped: the bow not being able to move with the swell.
Not sure how the breakwater plays into this as it did not exist.
Moorings, strategically placed, would be a perfect solution, but I would watch the wind and swell forecasts.
My best, Dick Stevenson, s/v Alchemy


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