Cape Verde Chart Needed

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I'm looking for a chart that includes detail of Mindelo harbour. I am in Estepona now, going to Gib about 28 Oct 2022 then leave for Lanzarote about 1 Nov; eta St Martin Nov 30.  John Knight (new member) SV Rhapsody Oyster 485-34 (new to us.) 
We do not plan to go to Cape Verde, but would like a chart in case we need. Assuming no late hurricane, I plan to leave Canaries about 10 Nov and to aim first at 19N 29W, which would put us about 200nm NW of Mindelo.
jfk48jfk@gmail  Spanish mobile, until about 10 Nov 34 711081440
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John.Knight - 8 Oct 2022
I'm looking for a chart that includes detail of Mindelo harbour. I am in Estepona now, going to Gib about 28 Oct 2022 then leave for Lanzarote about 1 Nov; eta St Martin Nov 30.  John Knight (new member) SV Rhapsody Oyster 485-34 (new to us.) 
We do not plan to go to Cape Verde, but would like a chart in case we need. Assuming no late hurricane, I plan to leave Canaries about 10 Nov and to aim first at 19N 29W, which would put us about 200nm NW of Mindelo.
jfk48jfk@gmail  Spanish mobile, until about 10 Nov 34 711081440

Hi John,
No one seems to be answering, so let me take a shot.
I call what you are asking for (I think) as “bail-out” charts: paper charts that will get me into a safe shore port in case of a lightning strike (or the like) which knocks out all electronics.
Why not get the charts you wish up on a computer in the size you want and print them? You could then hand draw in any details that would be important but were missing on the printed copy.
I did not always have harbor level scale charts, but figured that if I had paper charts to get me off the port’s entrance, I could follow someone in or call on a handheld radio or in some other way convey I needed help entering.
My best, Dick Stevenson, s/v Alchemy

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Dick - 18 Oct 2022
John.Knight - 8 Oct 2022
I'm looking for a chart that includes detail of Mindelo harbour. I am in Estepona now, going to Gib about 28 Oct 2022 then leave for Lanzarote about 1 Nov; eta St Martin Nov 30.  John Knight (new member) SV Rhapsody Oyster 485-34 (new to us.) 
We do not plan to go to Cape Verde, but would like a chart in case we need. Assuming no late hurricane, I plan to leave Canaries about 10 Nov and to aim first at 19N 29W, which would put us about 200nm NW of Mindelo.
jfk48jfk@gmail  Spanish mobile, until about 10 Nov 34 711081440

Hi John,
No one seems to be answering, so let me take a shot.
I call what you are asking for (I think) as “bail-out” charts: paper charts that will get me into a safe shore port in case of a lightning strike (or the like) which knocks out all electronics.
Why not get the charts you wish up on a computer in the size you want and print them? You could then hand draw in any details that would be important but were missing on the printed copy.
I did not always have harbor level scale charts, but figured that if I had paper charts to get me off the port’s entrance, I could follow someone in or call on a handheld radio or in some other way convey I needed help entering.
My best, Dick Stevenson, s/v Alchemy

Hello DIck,
Thanks.Yes it's a back up "plan B"  for which I need the chart. (I don't like "Bail-out" much - sounds like jumping out of an aeroplane!)  I don't have a printer aboard yet: will have one soon.
I did find my notes in a log file of when I went into Mindelo last December - long story. This year - another long story! - the Admiral is aboard and wants a paper chart of Mindelo.Last year she was texting me from Florida via Zoleo with the lat/lon of the wreck, the ferry dock, and the outside of the pontoons at the marina ( a third long story!)  So I have it more or less solved: as long as the light is working on Dos Passeros then I can find my way into the same spot I anchored last year! But all that might well be not good enough for Admiral Nancy........

Please can you email me at with your email? I will then email you a copy of what I'm right now sending out to crew.
What about? Your article on Key Approach to Passagemaking - excellent! 
Best wishes,
SV Rhapsody Oyster 485-34 Estepona Spain

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John.Knight - 23 Oct 2022
Dick - 18 Oct 2022
John.Knight - 8 Oct 2022
I'm looking for a chart that includes detail of Mindelo harbour. I am in Estepona now, going to Gib about 28 Oct 2022 then leave for Lanzarote about 1 Nov; eta St Martin Nov 30.  John Knight (new member) SV Rhapsody Oyster 485-34 (new to us.) 
We do not plan to go to Cape Verde, but would like a chart in case we need. Assuming no late hurricane, I plan to leave Canaries about 10 Nov and to aim first at 19N 29W, which would put us about 200nm NW of Mindelo.
jfk48jfk@gmail  Spanish mobile, until about 10 Nov 34 711081440

Hi John,
No one seems to be answering, so let me take a shot.
I call what you are asking for (I think) as “bail-out” charts: paper charts that will get me into a safe shore port in case of a lightning strike (or the like) which knocks out all electronics.
Why not get the charts you wish up on a computer in the size you want and print them? You could then hand draw in any details that would be important but were missing on the printed copy.
I did not always have harbor level scale charts, but figured that if I had paper charts to get me off the port’s entrance, I could follow someone in or call on a handheld radio or in some other way convey I needed help entering.
My best, Dick Stevenson, s/v Alchemy

Hello DIck,
Thanks.Yes it's a back up "plan B"  for which I need the chart. (I don't like "Bail-out" much - sounds like jumping out of an aeroplane!)  I don't have a printer aboard yet: will have one soon.
I did find my notes in a log file of when I went into Mindelo last December - long story. This year - another long story! - the Admiral is aboard and wants a paper chart of Mindelo.Last year she was texting me from Florida via Zoleo with the lat/lon of the wreck, the ferry dock, and the outside of the pontoons at the marina ( a third long story!)  So I have it more or less solved: as long as the light is working on Dos Passeros then I can find my way into the same spot I anchored last year! But all that might well be not good enough for Admiral Nancy........

Please can you email me at with your email? I will then email you a copy of what I'm right now sending out to crew.
What about? Your article on Key Approach to Passagemaking - excellent! 
Best wishes,
SV Rhapsody Oyster 485-34 Estepona Spain


Hi John,
I agree: plan “B” is far more cerebral, rational and pre-meditated (and far less anxious) than “bail-out”, but bail-out is the way I think of it from the comfort (and safety) of my armchair.
Glad the chart info is sorted.
I will email you. I appreciate the kind words regarding my “Key Approaches…” article.
My best, Dick


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