Lightning Protection

Neil Davies
Neil Davies
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 9, Visits: 1
Has anyone had any experience with lightning protection systems for sailboats?  Having suffered a bad strike 18 months ago, I know first hand what the damage was.  We lost all electronics, some electrical components, engine ECMs, alternators, batteries, starter motors......and the list goes on.  I recently came across a device called the CMCE Lightning Supressor.  Heres a link to the product: 
I am interested to know if anyone has experience with this or other devices, or any direct knowledge as to whether such devives are beneficial

SV Midnight Sun III

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Neil.Davies - 22 Jun 2024
Sonia.Johal - 22 Jun 2024
Neil.Davies - 23 Jun 2024
Dick - 25 Jun 2024
Neil.Davies - 25 Jun 2024
Dick - 28 Jun 2024
                         Hi Neil, I searched around for Calder’s article and only found this:...
Dick - 29 Jun 2024
                             Hi Neil, I searched around for Calder’s article and only found this:...
Neil.Davies - 29 Jun 2024
                                 Hi Dick Thank you so much for digging out this article. It is...
Neil.Davies - 29 Jun 2024
                                     Hi Neil, Glad you found the article helpful. As you synthesize your...
Dick - 29 Jun 2024
Sonia.Johal - 29 Jun 2024
neilm - 1 Jul 2024
Neil.Davies - 1 Jul 2024

