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Hi all, Just a reminder: o-rings on your deck plates need replacing periodically. I noticed that the o-ring on my fuel deck plate was quite flattened: probably still doing its job, but why worry that water might find its way past the o-ring and they are easily replaced. O-rings can also easily break and then unwanted water intrusion into fuel, domestic water and holding tanks would be likely to occur. Breakage is far more likely, when turning the plate in tight, if the o-rings are not lubricated every now and again. I am not sure what a reasonable replacement period is, but inspection should take place whenever the plate is removed. Having spares from the deck plate manufacturer saves figuring the dimensions of old, perhaps mangled, o-rings and having the spares ready-at-hand means replacement is far more likely. It is not unreasonable, for passage making boats where decks will be often sluiced with water or for those going to remote areas, to put some tape over the plate: in a belt and braces kind of way. My best, Dick Stevenson, s/v Alchemy