Seeking: replacement dome for Sestrel compass

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I am seeking a replacement part for my old-style gimballed brass Sestrel compass which is frame-mounted on the binnacle. The dome is cracked and needs replacing. As these compasses are out of production I am hoping someone can help me to track down a replacement part or recommend a company that deals with this kind of thing.

Thanks in advance, I hope someone can help!

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Genevieve.Millward - 2 Mar 2023

I am seeking a replacement part for my old-style gimballed brass Sestrel compass which is frame-mounted on the binnacle. The dome is cracked and needs replacing. As these compasses are out of production I am hoping someone can help me to track down a replacement part or recommend a company that deals with this kind of thing.

Thanks in advance, I hope someone can help!


Hi Genevieve,
I, too, hope someone can help.
Decades ago I found an old Sestrel tell-tale compass that an old-style compass adjuster put right. I love that old compass.
I would try to see if some of the old instrument companies still have offices: perhaps searching also those who still work with sextants and the like.
In the end, you might call some of the present compass manufacturers: you might get lucky with a matching size globe and the expertise to fix it.
Good luck: it is a project worth some effort.
My best, Dick Stevenson, s/v Alchemy

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