OCC Fleet Map

Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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I have set up a map displaying the last known positions of boats belonging to OCC members.

The OCC Fleet Map is housed in a secure part of the OCC Website and so is only visible to members who are logged onto the website.

Only those members that have given their consent will have their boats displayed on the OCC Fleet Map. At the moment consent and boat data is captured using the form below but ultimately this will be housed within the OCC Member 's database.

If you want to view or to add your boat then please use the links below and comment on this thread within the Forum.

Click here to complete a brief form in order to get your boat displayed.

How it works.
There are three alternative methods to enable position reporting for your vessel. These are listed below:

1. By AIS transponder this is automatic but requires a marintraffic.com account.

2. By using the OnCourse: Android or iOS self-reporting app. Download the App and follow the instructions to open Marinetraffic.com account. The App sits on your smartphone and uses the phone 's GPS to post the position. Obviously it will work anywhere there is a 3G or 4G Mobile data signal

3. By Emails.This too requires a Marinetraffic.com account and this needs to be associated with your boat 's MMSI number. Positions can then be sent in from anywhere where you have access to email provided you are using the email account that you used to register your Marrinetraffic.com account.

In order to use any of these you will first need to open your own account on www.marinetraffic.com but don 't worry this is free! Once you have your boat and MMSI registered you will be able to report your position by either email or using the free app called mAIS available from app store. Both are very easy to use. I don 't need to describe how to use the app but I will post below instructions as to how to send a position report by email.

How to email a position report to the OCC Map

1. Register your boat on the OCC Fleet

2. Open an marinetraffic.com account and then register you boat and MMSI. Ideally upload a photo too.

3. Email your boats position to report@marinetraffic.com but you MUST use the following format:

TIMESTAMP=2015-06-15 08:31

Latitude and Longitude should be in decimal degrees. Negative values for South or West coordinates. Speed in knots. Timestamp in UTC

Good luck and I hope it works!
edited by simoncurrin on 1/25/2018
John Franklin
John Franklin
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Great work Simon!
So far I have only found Shimshal! You can now add Al Shaheen.
I shall be very interested to see how this develops.
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What a great idea, thanks Simon.

I have just added Delphinus but our AIS is off at the moment whilst we are landlubbing. Once we arrive back in Tenerife in 10 days we should be up and running too.

Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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Yes I tried to find you on the AIS register but couldn 't.
Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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There are at least 5 alternative methods to enable position reporting for your vessel. These are listed below:
AIS transponder this is automatic and does not require a marintraffic.com account
mAIS: Android or iOS self-reporting app
E-mails with positions ' reports
Satellite or 3G/GSM locator devices

In order to use any of these you will first need to open your own account on www.marinetraffic.com but don 't worry this is free! Once you have your boat and MMSI registered you will be able to report your position by either email or using the free app called mAIS available from app store. Both are very easy to use. I don 't need to describe how to use the app but I will post below instructions as to how to send a position report by email.

How to email a position report to the OCC Map
1. Register your boat on the OCC Fleet
2. Open an marinetraffic.com account and the
report@marinetraffic.comn register you boat and MMSI. Ideally upload a photo too.
3. Email your boats position to report@marinetraffic.com but you MUST use the following format:

TIMESTAMP=2015-06-15 08:31

Latitude and Longitude should be in decimal degrees. Negative values for South or West coordinates. Speed in knots. Timestamp in UTC
edited by simoncurrin on 1/11/2018
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Hello Simon,

Our boat has been on marinetraffic.com for almost two years. In fact, fans of the site (known as "spotters")have taken pictures of our boat and uploaded pictures they took of us!

One thing friends and family can sign up for is to receive e-mails each time our boat departs or arrives into a port. We ourselves have opted to receive such e-mails. It is amusing how sometimes we go into large ports and... nothing, and sometimes, we go into a tiny fishing village and there we get arrival and departure e-mails.

Anyway, we 've completed the brief google form and hope to find ourselves in the OCC map!

Marina de Lagos, Portugal
Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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I have added you to the map.
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Hello Simon

Looks great, thanks for all your efforts.

As non members are not able to view our location on the OCC web, can they view via Marinetraffic.com?

We would like to use email for updates.


Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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We are going to debate in committee whether or not it should be in a public or a private section of the occ web but I THINK that most will want it private. Perhaps this is a debate we should have on the Forum? Obviously each individual boats can be found on Marinetraffic but to view the fleet you would have to be logged on with the fleet account and, for obvious reasons, we need to keep the account details confidential.

What do you think should the fleet map be public or private? There are arguments both ways. It certainly describes the global nature of the club and the the AIS data is already in the public domain.

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I am looking for something to replace my existing position reporting, so need non members to have access. The OCC map seems to be meeting a different objective.

Private v Public, good luck, you will not please everyone.


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