Honorary Member Jon Sanders 10th Circumnavigation

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Jon Sanders 10th Circumnavigation
There has been very little on the OCC site in regard to Jon Sanders (age 77) after he left Perth on his attempt at his 10th circumnavigation last October. Jon was made an Honorary Member in 2014, by which time he had 9 circumnavigations under his belt including a double, followed by a triple circumnavigation. His records are amazing what he has achieved during his sailing career is just unbelievable.
Sue and I were privileged to meet Jon whilst travelling in Western Australia, at a breakfast in the Royal Perth Yacht Club organised by Port officer David Hayes for fellow OCC members. Jon who had recently undergone Heart Surgery, was a quiet unassuming person, and kindly showed us around his boat “Perie Banon 2”. Which appeared to be simply fitted out, with few of the toys we all think we need.
His reports are few and far between, 7th March arriving at St Helena, and his last position report shows him off Guyana heading towards the British Virgin Islands.
OCC boats in the area should keep an eye open for Jon. I think he deserves all the moral support fellow OCC members can give him.
At this stage I do not know if his blog can be displayed on the OCC site, but I understand that is being pursued by Daria.
You can follow his record breaking voyage on his website http://www.jonsanders.com.au/
His Position report is on http://forecast.predictwind.com/tracking/display/PerieBanou
There is also a facebook page:https://m.facebook.com/jonsanders10th/?fref=nf&refsrc=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fplugins%2Fpage.php
I will endeavour to post any updates on this forum as they appear.

Brian C Wallace   
s/v Darramy
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Hi Brian, in fact as discussed with you earlier, there have been a lot of postings about Jon on the OCC facebook page, and in fact right now we have several OCC boats and port Officers in the Caribbean actively watching his Predict Wind track (the only available contact with him right now as his blog-sending system seems to have failed). They will advise as soon as he is spotted. At present we do not know if he is headed to Barbados, Antigua or possibly the BVIs, which has been his more traditional port of call. But have no fears, plans are in place to both welcome him home in Oct or so!
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I now have heard that Jon is heading to Tortola in The British Virgin Isles.
His AIS is transmitting, but is not being picked up on the Fleet Map.
His Blog site is not at present being updated due to technical problems. Which the RPYC will deal with on his arrival at Tortola
The intended route back across the Pacific is uncertain, but at present it Jon 's intention to call to New Zealand before calling to Sydney before heading back home to Freemantle either around the North or South of Australia depending on the time of year, and how he is feeling.
Latest position on Predict Wind about 150 miles ESE of Barbados http://forecast.predictwind.com/tracking/display/PerieBanou
Watch this space!

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As at 16.30 ZT Perie Banou 2 was NW of Dominca and looks on track for the BVI 's Port Officers are on stand by as are member vessels in the area. At present Jon is sailing at 5.7 kts with approx 230 miles to go to Tortola. (if that is his destination).
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Jon Sanders just about to arrive Spanish Town, BVI to check in - I am sure we will hear from him once all the paperwork has been done and he can sit down with a beer in his hand and good wifi! miles Pilch, PO Tortola, will be making contact as soon as he can and will let us know how all is going. Well done Jon!
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Well done Jon, Enjoy a pint, and relax for a bit
Safe onward Passage.
Brian and Sue
s/v Darramy
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Message from PO Miles Sutherland-Pilch to say he met up with Jon in Virgin Gorda, welcomed him and gave him a new OCC flag to replace the tattered one flying and left him, pint in hand, due to sail over to Nanny Cay shortly. Congrats!
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I see Jon Sanders is well into the Pacific now on his 10th circumnavigation looks like he is heading towards French Polynesia.

Keep a look out if you are in the area

Brian s/v Darramy
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Congratulations once again to Jon Sanders, having arrived at Papeete in French Polynesia. By my reckoning he is now two thirds around on his tenth circumnavigation. Well done Jon

Brian s/v Darramy
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Wow, just checked Jon's position. Now SSE of Tonga. Great progress towards No 10.
Brian s/v Darramy

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