Getting around

Daria Blackwell
Daria Blackwell
I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)I'm hooked (493 reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 811, Visits: 148
We've had our Montague folding bikes along for years on our boat. They've done well for us, being useful on road and off. They are ruggedly built but heavy, and trudging them around in our dinghy has been challenging. So, as we move to a somewhat smaller boat and riper age, we're also looking for alternatives. We just came across this electrically assisted motor vehicle that's as small as half our Montagues. It's reasonably priced and looks useful. Does anyone have any experience or other ideas?

Smart Setr

Vice Commodore, OCC 

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