OCC Fleet Map

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Simon, Are we thinking of the same person in Isafjordur? The fellow I have in mind is Halldor Sveinbjornsson with the yacht Bella Donna on the pontoons in the yacht harbour. He runs the local kayaking school and does a lot for youth dinghy sailing. I seem to remember we called him Torre when we there. Alan
Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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No I thought you meant Mugi the harbour master who bent over backwards for us. Having said that all Icelandics were incredibly helpful.
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Simon, For one reason or another we never got to meet the Harbour Master. If it 's OK with you I will go ahead with suggesting Halldor, but tell Jenny you may know of a second possibility should things fall through with Halldor.
Incidentally, and if I may ask, if you are on the boat at Brokey how are you managing your internet connection? Alan
Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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Please do let Jenny know and I will certainly seek Halldor out when we get back to Isafjordur in the Spring.

We did have internet access when we were in Brokey via a Digital Yachts WL510 WiFi amplifier but currently we are at home in the UK with the boat safely tied up in Reykjavik 's Maritime Museum!

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Hi Simon, we are back onboard but our ais (and other boats on this marina) is not showing up on Marine Traffic. I have just registered with mAIS assuming this works differently you should be able to locate us on there.
Peter Forbes
Peter Forbes
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How does one update the position manually? Peter forbes
Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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You need to send an email to report@marinetraffic.com set out in the format below. Nothing in the subject bar and then the text. I have inserted your MMSI and current position in the correct decimal format. note the longitude is west of Greenwich thus has a -ve prefix. Time should be UTC.

TIMESTAMP=2015-11-03 23:06
Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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I am still struggling to find your boat on Marinetraffic.com. I can 't see a UK registered Delphinus nor does it recognise the MMSI. Please can you check the details I have which are: Delphinus   UK   235113599. Alternatively if you can see yourselves on Marinetraffic (via mAIS) then tell me where you are and I should be able to find you. It maybe that if you have only just registered with mAIS it takes a day or two to synchronise their various databases.
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It is visible now - finally!
Simon Currin
Simon Currin
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OK so tell me where you are and I will find you add you to the fleet because at the moment you are not on their database. I suspect you will be on their database in a day or two.

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